Describe the bug or the issue that you are facing
I'm following the deployment guide to use bicep & Azure Devops with the directions at: When I try to run the bicep-ado-deploy-infra pipeline in the taxi-fare-regression, I get the AuthorizationFailed error below. I am happy to debug, but don't understand how to convert the object-id to a resource or find the appropriate client from the id so that I can assign the permission.
ERROR: {"code": "AuthorizationFailed", "message": "The client '' with object id '' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/deployments/validate/action' over scope '' or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials."}
Steps/Code to Reproduce
Follow the directions at:
Expected Output
I expect the pipeline to run with no errors.
I am working on the main branch for the repos of:
Which platform are you using for deploying your infrastrucutre?
Azure DevOps (ADO)
If you mentioned Others, please mention which platformm are you using?
No response
What are you using for deploying your infrastrucutre?
Are you using Azure ML CLI v2 or Azure ML Python SDK v2
Azure ML CLI v2
Describe the example that you are trying to run?
I am using the classical ML project type, with bicep and the main branch on all the project repos in Azure DevOps.