Describe the bug
If name prefix is longer than 7 character deployment will fail on Keyvault step but RG, LAW and MI is created.
documentation not specifying what is allowed here.
-NamePrefix | Replaces the default resource prefix of "ipam" with an alternative prefix
To Reproduce
Deploy IPAM with parameter -NamePrefix "ipam-test" `
Expected behavior
Successful deployment
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
Status Message: At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details. (Code: DeploymentFailed)
- {
"error": {
"code": "VaultNameNotValid",
"message": "The vault name 'ipam-test-kv-2jhngm4kxwuh4' is invalid. A vault's name must be between 3-24 alphanumeric characters. The name must begin with a letter, end with a letter or digit, and not contain consecutive hyphens. Follow this link for more information:"
} (Code:BadRequest)
i recommend either to change naming standard for kv or stop deployment script before bicep deployment mode.
It's not a blocer but nice to have feature ;)