sdk/spring/azure-spring-boot-samples/pom.xml is setup as both a parent and aggregator pom. First, there should be no superfluous parent poms. This causes problems with tooling and verification which looks, specifically, at parents. Second, everything building for a given area needs to be in that area's sdk/area/pom.xml. While there's still the on going question of the subdirectory, that does not change what needs to get done here.
The spring samples are special in that they need the spring-boot-starter-parent, which is BOM, and they should be parenting off this directly. There's tooling that's been created to deal with this special case that also had to deal with the special case of the superfluous parent. Since that's still in PR I'd like this change to go in so I can update that to look for the spring-boot-starter-parent directly.
Each of the modules in azure-spring-boot-samples should be directly referenced in the modules in the area pom file sdk/spring/pom.xml