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[Issue] Failing invoking action 'deploy', no deployment manifests found for AKS deployment #3486



Output from azd version
azd version 1.6.1 (commit eba2c97)

Describe the bug
When running the AKS deployment of our repo:
I am facing the following error during the "Verifying deployment" progress stage of azd up:

(x) Failed: Deploying service api

ERROR: failed deploying service 'api': failing invoking action 'deploy', no deployment manifests found

ERROR: error executing step command 'deploy --all': failed deploying service 'api': failing invoking action 'deploy', no deployment manifests found

There are k8s manifests files in the folder and also it seems to be found during the "Applying k8s manifests" stage.

To Reproduce

PS: You might face a different Resource Group error - which will be gone if you run it a second time...also it helps to run as Administrator to be sure in terms of rights.

Expected behavior
On version 1.5.1 - the applications were successfully running and the k8s manifests were applied without troubles.

Additional context
It seems to me something fails during the "waitForDeployment" operation in because the last progress message I could observe was "Verifying deployment".

To me this error "no deployment manifests found" from line seems a bit misleading to me...because I am getting the deployment output when using the --debug flag and I can see it in my cluster that my deployment is running:

    "items": [
            "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
            "kind": "Deployment",
            "metadata": {
                "annotations": {
                    "": "8",
                    "": "{\"apiVersion\":\"apps/v1\",\"kind\":\"Deployment\",\"metadata\":{\"annotations\":{},\"labels\":{\"app\":\"backend\"},\"name\":\"backend-deployment\",\"namespace\":\"azure-open-ai\"},\"spec\":{\"replicas\":1,\"selector\":{\"matchLabels\":{\"app\":\"backend\"}},\"template\":{\"metadata\":{\"labels\":{\"app\":\"backend\"}},\"spec\":{\"containers\":[{\"envFrom\":[{\"configMapRef\":{\"name\":\"azd-env-configmap\"}}],\"image\":\"REMOVED",\"imagePullPolicy\":\"IfNotPresent\",\"name\":\"backend\",\"ports\":[{\"containerPort\":8080}],\"resources\":{\"requests\":{\"memory\":\"2Gi\"}}}]}}}}\n"
                "creationTimestamp": "2024-03-05T21:25:57Z",
                "generation": 8,
                "labels": {
                    "app": "backend"
                "name": "backend-deployment",
                "namespace": "azure-open-ai",
                "resourceVersion": "178246",
                "uid": "REMOVED"
            "spec": {
                "progressDeadlineSeconds": 600,
                "replicas": 1,
                "revisionHistoryLimit": 10,
                "selector": {
                    "matchLabels": {
                        "app": "backend"
                "strategy": {
                    "rollingUpdate": {
                        "maxSurge": "25%",
                        "maxUnavailable": "25%"
                    "type": "RollingUpdate"
                "template": {
                    "metadata": {
                        "creationTimestamp": null,
                        "labels": {
                            "app": "backend"
                    "spec": {
                        "containers": [
                                "envFrom": [
                                        "configMapRef": {
                                            "name": "azd-env-configmap"
                                "image": "REMOVED",
                                "imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
                                "name": "backend",
                                "ports": [
                                        "containerPort": 8080,
                                        "protocol": "TCP"
                                "resources": {
                                    "requests": {
                                        "memory": "2Gi"
                                "terminationMessagePath": "/dev/termination-log",
                                "terminationMessagePolicy": "File"
                        "dnsPolicy": "ClusterFirst",
                        "restartPolicy": "Always",
                        "schedulerName": "default-scheduler",
                        "securityContext": {},
                        "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 30
            "status": {
                "availableReplicas": 1,
                "conditions": [
                        "lastTransitionTime": "2024-03-05T21:26:06Z",
                        "lastUpdateTime": "2024-03-05T21:26:06Z",
                        "message": "Deployment has minimum availability.",
                        "reason": "MinimumReplicasAvailable",
                        "status": "True",
                        "type": "Available"
                        "lastTransitionTime": "2024-03-05T21:25:57Z",
                        "lastUpdateTime": "2024-03-06T08:11:19Z",
                        "message": "ReplicaSet \"backend-deployment-57ff65ff7c\" has successfully progressed.",
                        "reason": "NewReplicaSetAvailable",
                        "status": "True",
                        "type": "Progressing"
                "observedGeneration": 8,
                "readyReplicas": 1,
                "replicas": 1,
                "updatedReplicas": 1
    "kind": "List",
    "metadata": {
        "resourceVersion": ""
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