We have an Encrypted Container, created using Cosmos DB SDK, We are able to read-write as suggested in the Hyperlink using Function App.
We are trying to read-write data from this same Container via Databricks (using Cosmos DB library 2.3.0), but unable to.
When Writing to this Container from Databricks, we get error: "CosmosHttpResponseError: (BadRequest) Message: {"Errors":["Collection has ClientEncryptionPolicy set, but the document to be written isn't encrypted."]}"
While Reading from this Container from Databricks, we are able to read the data, but it comes back encrypted (it should come back decrypted / plain-text).
We have an open ticket with Microsoft on this, and upon investigation found out that this Library (Cosmos DB library 2.3.0) had no connection available in DLL.
My question is: When Databricks is offered as a service to interact with Cosmos DB, why are all the Features (available via Cosmos DB SDK), not available in Databricks Libraries?