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Add universal middleware (draft) and demo (#12)
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* Add code for universal middleware and demo

* Remove warnings from AzureIoTMiddlewareForSwift

* Remove duplicate AzSpan.swift

* Change server cert verification to full in unimidd

Co-authored-by: Dane Walton <>

* Update unimidd userAgent

Co-authored-by: Dane Walton <>

* Address general cleanup requests from code review

Co-authored-by: Dane Walton <>
  • Loading branch information
ewertons and danewalton-msft authored Mar 4, 2022
1 parent dc14ff0 commit 7b80205
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Showing 13 changed files with 3,246 additions and 1 deletion.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions Package.resolved
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
"object": {
"pins": [
"package": "swift-crypto",
"repositoryURL": "",
"state": {
"branch": null,
"revision": "3bea268b223651c4ab7b7b9ad62ef9b2d4143eb6",
"version": "1.1.6"
"package": "swift-mqtt",
"repositoryURL": "",
Expand Down
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion Package.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,10 +13,17 @@ let package = Package(
name: "CAzureSDKForCSwift",
targets: ["CAzureSDKForCSwift"]),
name: "AzureIoTUniversalMiddleware",
targets: ["AzureIoTUniversalMiddleware"]),
name: "AzureIoTMiddlewareForSwift",
targets: ["AzureIoTMiddlewareForSwift"]),
dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.1"))
targets: [
// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
Expand All @@ -27,13 +34,32 @@ let package = Package(
name: "AzureSDKForCSwift",
dependencies: []),
name: "AzureIoTUniversalMiddleware",
dependencies: ["AzureSDKForCSwift"]),
name: "AzureIoTMiddlewareForSwift",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "MQTT", package: "swift-mqtt"),
.product(name: "Crypto", package: "swift-crypto")
name: "demo",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "MQTT", package: "swift-mqtt")
name: "demo_pnp",
dependencies: [
name: "AzureSDKForCSwiftTests",
dependencies: ["AzureSDKForCSwift"]),
Expand Down
308 changes: 308 additions & 0 deletions Sources/AzureIoTMiddlewareForSwift/AzureIoT.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
import Foundation
import MQTT
import NIOSSL
import Crypto
import CAzureSDKForCSwift
import AzureIoTUniversalMiddleware

public class AzureIoT: MQTTClientDelegate {
// Section 1: Variables
private var azureIotConfig: azure_iot_config_t = azure_iot_config_t()
private var internalClient: azure_iot_t = azure_iot_t()
private var internalBuffer: AzSpan = AzSpan(size: 2048);


private var userAgent: AzSpan = AzSpan(text: "azsdk-c%2Fswift-mid%2F\(AZ_SDK_VERSION_STRING)")

public var mqttClient: MQTTClient! = nil
public var mqttPublishPacketId: UInt32 = 0
public var mqttSubscribePacketId: UInt32 = 0

// Section 2: Implementation of MQTTClientDelegate.

let mqttQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "a", qos: .background)

public var delegateDispatchQueue: DispatchQueue {

public func mqttClient(_ client: MQTTClient, didReceive packet: MQTTPacket) {
switch packet {
case let packet as ConnAckPacket:
print("< CONNACK \(packet.returnCode)")
_ = azure_iot_mqtt_client_connected(&internalClient)
case let packet as PubAckPacket:
print("< PUBACK \(packet.identifier)")
_ = azure_iot_mqtt_client_publish_completed(&internalClient, Int32(packet.identifier))
case let packet as SubAckPacket:
print("< SUBACK \(packet.identifier) | \(packet.returnCodes)")
_ = azure_iot_mqtt_client_subscribe_completed(&internalClient, Int32(packet.identifier))
case let packet as PublishPacket:
print("< PUBLISH \(packet.identifier) | \(packet.topic) | \(packet.qos)")
print(" Payload: \(String(decoding: packet.payload, as: UTF8.self))")

var mqttMessage = mqtt_message_t()
mqttMessage.topic = AzSpan(text: packet.topic).toCAzSpan()
mqttMessage.payload = AzSpan(data: packet.payload).toCAzSpan()
mqttMessage.qos = mqtt_qos_t(rawValue: UInt32(packet.qos.rawValue))

_ = azure_iot_mqtt_client_message_received(&internalClient, &mqttMessage)
print("Packet \(packet)")

public func mqttClient(_: MQTTClient, didChange state: ConnectionState) {
if state == .connected {
else if state == .disconnected {
_ = azure_iot_mqtt_client_disconnected(&internalClient)
print("[MQTT] \(state)")

public func mqttClient(_: MQTTClient, didCatchError error: Error) {
print("[MQTT] Error: \(error)")

// Section 3: Callbacks for Azure IoT Universal Middleware.

let mqttClientInitFunction: mqtt_client_init_function_t = { userContext, mqttClientConfig, mqttClientHandle in
print("Connecting MQTT client")

var mySelf: AzureIoT = Unmanaged<AzureIoT>.fromOpaque(userContext!).takeUnretainedValue()

let address: String = (AzSpan(span: mqttClientConfig!.pointee.address)).toString()
let port = Int(mqttClientConfig!.pointee.port)
let clientId: String = (AzSpan(span: mqttClientConfig!.pointee.client_id)).toString()
let username: String = (AzSpan(span: mqttClientConfig!.pointee.username)).toString()
let password: String = (AzSpan(span: mqttClientConfig!.pointee.password)).toString()

var tlsConfiguration = TLSConfiguration.makeClientConfiguration()
tlsConfiguration.minimumTLSVersion = .tlsv11
tlsConfiguration.maximumTLSVersion = .tlsv12
tlsConfiguration.certificateVerification = .fullVerification

mySelf.mqttClient = MQTTClient(
host: address,
port: port,
clientID: clientId,
cleanSession: true,
keepAlive: 30,
username: username,
password: password,
tlsConfiguration: tlsConfiguration
mySelf.mqttClient.tlsConfiguration = tlsConfiguration
mySelf.mqttClient.delegate = mySelf

mqttClientHandle!.initialize(to: &mySelf.mqttClient)

print("> CONNECT \(address):\(port)")
print(" ClientId: \(clientId)")
print(" Username: \(username)")


return 0

let mqttClientDeinitFunction: mqtt_client_deinit_function_t = { userContext, mqttClientHandle in
print("Disconnecting MQTT client")

var mySelf: AzureIoT = Unmanaged<AzureIoT>.fromOpaque(userContext!).takeUnretainedValue()

return 0

let mqttClientPublishFunction: mqtt_client_publish_function_t = {
userContext, mqttClientHandle, mqttMessage in

var mySelf: AzureIoT = Unmanaged<AzureIoT>.fromOpaque(userContext!).takeUnretainedValue()
var mqttClient: MQTTClient = mySelf.mqttClient
var topic: String = (AzSpan(span: mqttMessage!.pointee.topic)).toString()
let qos: QoS = QoS(rawValue: UInt8(mqttMessage!.pointee.qos.rawValue))!
let payload: Data = (AzSpan(span: mqttMessage!.pointee.payload)).toData()

// The last byte must be dropped because it is a null-terminator.

mySelf.mqttPublishPacketId += 1

print("> PUBLISH \(mySelf.mqttPublishPacketId) | \(topic) | \(qos)")
print(" Payload: \(String(decoding: payload, as: UTF8.self))")

mqttClient.publish(topic: topic, retain: false, qos: qos, payload: payload, identifier: UInt16(mySelf.mqttPublishPacketId))

return Int32(mySelf.mqttPublishPacketId)

let mqttClientSubscribeFunction: mqtt_client_subscribe_function_t = {
userContext, mqttClientHandle, topic, qos in
var mySelf: AzureIoT = Unmanaged<AzureIoT>.fromOpaque(userContext!).takeUnretainedValue()
var mqttClient: MQTTClient = mySelf.mqttClient
let topicString: String = (AzSpan(span: topic)).toString()
var qosValue: QoS = QoS(rawValue: UInt8(qos.rawValue))!

mySelf.mqttSubscribePacketId += 1

print("> SUBSCRIBE \(mySelf.mqttSubscribePacketId) | \(topicString) | \(qosValue)")

mqttClient.subscribe(topic: topicString, qos: qosValue, identifier: UInt16(mySelf.mqttSubscribePacketId))

return Int32(mySelf.mqttSubscribePacketId)

let base64Decode: base64_decode_function_t = {
data, data_length, decoded, decoded_size, decoded_length in
let encodedData = Data(bytes: data!, count: data_length)
let decodedData = Data(base64Encoded: encodedData, options: .ignoreUnknownCharacters)

if (decodedData!.count > decoded_size)
return 1 // Error
decodedData!.copyBytes(to: decoded!, count: decodedData!.count)
decoded_length!.initialize(to: decodedData!.count)
return 0

let base64Encode: base64_encode_function_t = {
data, data_length, encoded, encoded_size, encoded_length in
let decodedData = Data(bytes: data!, count: data_length)
let encodedData = decodedData.base64EncodedData()

if (encodedData.count > encoded_size)
return 1 // Error
encodedData.copyBytes(to: encoded!, count: encodedData.count)
encoded_length!.initialize(to: encodedData.count)
return 0

let mbedtlsHmacSha256: hmac_sha256_encryption_function_t = {
key, key_length, payload, payload_length, encrypted_payload, encrypted_payload_size in

let symmetricKey = SymmetricKey(data: Data(bytes: key!, count: key_length))
let payloadData = Data(bytes: payload!, count: payload_length)
let signature = HMAC<SHA256>.authenticationCode(for: payloadData, using: symmetricKey)
let encryptedPayload = Data(signature)

if (encryptedPayload.count > encrypted_payload_size)
return 1
encryptedPayload.copyBytes(to: encrypted_payload!, count: encryptedPayload.count)
return 0

let onPropertiesUpdateCompleted: properties_update_completed_t = { request_id, status_code in
print("Properties update \(request_id) completed: \(status_code)")


let onPropertiesReceived: properties_received_t = {
properties in
var propertiesSpan = AzSpan(span: properties)
print("Properties received: \(propertiesSpan.toString())")

let onCommandRequestReceived: command_request_received_t = {
command in
print("Command received: \(AzSpan(span: command.command_name).toString())")

// Section 4: Initializers.

public init(iotHubFqdn: String, deviceId: String, deviceKey: String, pnpModelId: String? = nil) {
useDeviceProvisioning: false,
pnpModelId: AzSpan(text: pnpModelId),
iotHubFqdn: AzSpan(text: iotHubFqdn),
deviceId: AzSpan(text: deviceId),
deviceKey: AzSpan(text: deviceKey),
idScope: AzSpan.NullAzSpan(),
registrationId: AzSpan.NullAzSpan()

public init(idScope: String, registrationId: String, deviceKey: String, pnpModelId: String? = nil) {
useDeviceProvisioning: true,
pnpModelId: AzSpan(text: pnpModelId),
iotHubFqdn: AzSpan.NullAzSpan(),
deviceId: AzSpan.NullAzSpan(),
deviceKey: AzSpan(text: deviceKey),
idScope: AzSpan(text: idScope),
registrationId: AzSpan(text: registrationId)

private func initializeAzureIoT(
useDeviceProvisioning: Bool,
pnpModelId: AzSpan,
iotHubFqdn: AzSpan, deviceId: AzSpan, deviceKey: AzSpan,
idScope: AzSpan, registrationId: AzSpan) {

azureIotConfig.user_agent = userAgent.toCAzSpan()
azureIotConfig.model_id = pnpModelId.toCAzSpan()
azureIotConfig.use_device_provisioning = useDeviceProvisioning
azureIotConfig.iot_hub_fqdn = iotHubFqdn.toCAzSpan()
azureIotConfig.device_id = deviceId.toCAzSpan()
azureIotConfig.device_key = deviceKey.toCAzSpan()
azureIotConfig.dps_id_scope = idScope.toCAzSpan()
azureIotConfig.dps_registration_id = registrationId.toCAzSpan()
azureIotConfig.data_buffer = internalBuffer.toCAzSpan()
azureIotConfig.sas_token_lifetime_in_minutes = MQTT_PASSWORD_LIFETIME_IN_MINUTES
azureIotConfig.mqtt_client_interface.mqtt_client_init = mqttClientInitFunction
azureIotConfig.mqtt_client_interface.mqtt_client_deinit = mqttClientDeinitFunction
azureIotConfig.mqtt_client_interface.mqtt_client_subscribe = mqttClientSubscribeFunction
azureIotConfig.mqtt_client_interface.mqtt_client_publish = mqttClientPublishFunction
azureIotConfig.data_manipulation_functions.hmac_sha256_encrypt = mbedtlsHmacSha256
azureIotConfig.data_manipulation_functions.base64_decode = base64Decode
azureIotConfig.data_manipulation_functions.base64_encode = base64Encode
azureIotConfig.on_properties_update_completed = onPropertiesUpdateCompleted
azureIotConfig.on_properties_received = onPropertiesReceived
azureIotConfig.on_command_request_received = onCommandRequestReceived
azureIotConfig.user_context = UnsafeRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque())

azure_iot_init(&internalClient, &azureIotConfig)

// Section 6: Public methods.
public func start() -> Bool {
return (azure_iot_start(&internalClient) == 0)

public func stop() -> Bool {
return (azure_iot_stop(&internalClient) == 0)

public func getStatus() -> azure_iot_status_t {
return azure_iot_get_status(&internalClient)

public func sendTelemetry(message: String) -> Bool {
let messageSpan = AzSpan(text: message)
return azure_iot_send_telemetry(&internalClient, messageSpan.toCAzSpan()) == 0

public func processLoop() -> Void {

// Section 7: Private methods
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
#include "AzureIoTUniversalMiddleware.h"

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