Website Link :
A simple Web app created in HTML5 and CSS and javascript
- Add expenses or income
- See the overall budget calculated
- See the percentage of each expense from the total income
- Responsive site
- Create a secure app with a well-defined global scope and local scope managed so that if the code is integrated with other code it doesn't pollutes the global scope.
- Implement modular design pattern using IFFE and closures in javascript.
- Create a user-friendly UI.
- Make the web-app responsive.
My Role
- Created modular design for the website using IFFE (immediately invoked function expressions) to avoid unnecessary pollution of global scope.
- Implemented three modules i.e UIController, Controller and DataController Controller manages the the whole app and the communication between the UIController and DataController.
- Used Ionic framework i.e UI toolkit for developing high-quality cross-platform apps. Link:
- Refactored code