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A simple Web app created in HTML5 and CSS and javascript


  1. Add expenses or income
  2. See the overall budget calculated
  3. See the percentage of each expense from the total income
  4. Responsive site


  1. Create a secure app with a well-defined global scope and local scope managed so that if the code is integrated with other code it doesn't pollutes the global scope.
  2. Implement modular design pattern using IFFE and closures in javascript.
  3. Create a user-friendly UI.
  4. Make the web-app responsive.

My Role

  1. Created modular design for the website using IFFE (immediately invoked function expressions) to avoid unnecessary pollution of global scope.
  2. Implemented three modules i.e UIController, Controller and DataController Controller manages the the whole app and the communication between the UIController and DataController.
  3. Used Ionic framework i.e UI toolkit for developing high-quality cross-platform apps. Link:
  4. Refactored code