A ROS implementation for communicating with Kongsberg multibeam echo sounder series.
This implementation is largely based on the work done by WHOI Deep Submergence Lab on this repository: https://bitbucket.org/whoidsl/ds_kongsberg/
See .travis.rosinstall file
ds_kongsberg_msgs: separated from the existing ds package to avoid compiling the original implementation.
lib_rosasio (combines ROS and Boost Asio event loops)
The driver publishes a PointCloud2 topic containing the sonar data relative to the Vessel coordinate system (X towards vessel heading, Y starboard, Z down). To display the point cloud over time, the different vessel positions are provided by the ~mrz_topic
which contains latitude, longitude and heading. Using it to boardcast a tf between a fixed world coordinate system and the vessel position (after converting lat/long into a cartesian coordinate system) can then be done for RVIZ: