The provided repository contains an complete automated test to verify End-To-End flow on Myntra.
The test is supposed to:
- Login to Myntra
- Search any product with the given text as mentioned in src/main/resources/testData/
- Navigate to Listing page and Select any Product
- Navigate to Product Description Page, Select the size and add it to bag
- Navigate to Cart page and proceed for checkout
- Enter the address and Proceed for Payment
- Enter the Credit Card Details
- Generate test execution report at the end
- ChromeDriver 2.44 , JDK 8+
- Any IDE
- The entry-point for the code is This class extends "Serenity Stories" class and is used to find stories file to start the test.
- The story file is a feature file written in Gherkin language to make people understand the test flow in a simple language.
- The story file is mapped to a testStep( file through different annotations.
- Test Step file is basically a java class file with the methods defined for each-steps individually. The implementation of these methods are provided in a separate java file( and is called to testStep file by creating the instance of in the step file.
- To make webdriver interact with web element we need locators.These locators are stored in a property file( and are accessed using key-value pair.
- Another property file( is used for storing test data.
- A separate java class( is created to create generic methods to be reused.
In simple language the code flow in following way:
- --> story --> --> and for locators and testData)-->
- On any terminal, move to the project's root folder and execute the following command:
- ./gradlew clean test aggregate
The test execution ends at the last line of story and report are generated automatically at the end of the test execution.
To View report follow the below mentioned steps:
- Navigate to the folder location on your system and open it
- Open the folder target >> site >> serenity
- In the serenity folder look for "index.html" file and open it with any browser