- English
- Chinese
- Danish by larsmew
- Greek
- Spanish
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Hebrew
- Dutch
- Russian
- German
- Italian
- Turkish
- Norwegian
- French
- Arabic/Farsi
- Hungarian
- Korean
- Slovenian
- Vietnamese
GitHub is used for the management of myMIUI i18n Project.
Git is a Distributed Version Control System that allows collaboration on the languages translation process with ease.
Learning how to use Git & GitHub
In GitHub, on the original myMIUI-HD2-i18n project page click "Fork", then follow the wizard.
If you need more help on how to Fork a project, click here.
Replace any occurences of username with your username.
cd /
git clone https://github.com/username/myMIUI-HD2-i18n.git
cd myMIUI-HD2-i18n
git remote add source https://github.com/Aternus/myMIUI-HD2-i18n.git
/_aroma_langs - myMIUI AROMA Installer Language Files
/_mymiui_apk - myMIUI APK Language Files
/_mymiui_framework - myMIUI Framework Language Files
/_sources_crowdin - Crowdin Translated Sources as seen in MIUI 2.4.20
/_sources_MIUI - MIUI Sources as seen in MIUI 2.4.20
In order to perform translations there are coupld core concepts you'll have to understand:
Inside every APK there is a "res" folder which includes all the resources from that APK.
The folders inside the "res" folder is structured as follows: resourcetype-lc-r__RC__
resourcetype - Resource Type
lc - ISO Language Code (xx)
RC - ISO Region Code (XX)
NOTE: Supported Languages and Regions in Android. Region is optional.
- The resources loading priority is as follows:
[APK values-iw-rIL] > [APK values-iw] > [APK values] > [framework-res.apk values-iw-rIL] > [framework-res.apk values-iw] > [framework-res.apk values]
- The following resource types should be translated:
- Framework-res.apk is an APK with the MAIN resources for the whole myMIUI ROM.
If a resource is missing from the APK, the OS will try to load it from framework-res.apk.
Now that you understand the basic concept of translations for Android, we can get to work.
Inside _/mymiui_apk & _/mymiui_framework you will find the folders with the names of the APK files, inside each of these should reside a "res" folder.
Inside is the "res" folder most of the folders required for the translation have already been created,
if not, please create the folder according to your language and region.
In general, to translate the APK you'll need to edit the files residing inside the folder with the resource type of "values".
Although rare, but at times you'll be required to translate "raw" and "drawable" resource types.
Its best to look at an already translated APK for more information and better understanding.
After you've finished making the required changes, you'll have to add the changed files to the staging index and commit the changes to the repository.
git add .
git commit -m "Message describing what you've changed"
After you've finished your working session, its a good idea to share your work with others on your GitHub REPO.
git push origin master
Now that you have the new commits on GitHub its time to open your GitHub account and make a "Pull Request" to the source myMIUI REPO.
After getting your request, I will review the changes and merge them to the myMIUI-HD2-i18n source REPO.
An important concept to grasp with Git is that it's a distributed version control system,
which means you are responsible to stay up to date with what happens with the source REPO.
Before working on any files, I strongly suggest pulling the latest changes from the source REPO.
git pull source master
Credits to the original guide on Learning how to Translate MIUI.
##################################################################### .
- English - by aternus
- Greek - by jolas, zach.antre
- Spanish - by darkdyo
- Polish - by kubekpop
- Portuguese - by fadox
- Hebrew - by aternus
- Dutch - by uloga
- Russian - by sergey, aternus
- German - by waldemator
- Italian - by saint tropez
- Turkish - by metra01
- Danish - by pokeman
- Norwegian - by arvter
- French - by patrick lesimple
- Arabic/Farsi
- Hungarian
- Korean
- Slovenian
- Vietnamese
NOTE: The full list of locales is available at _/aroma_langs, you should use "en.lang" as the source file.
Translate all strings which appear to the right to the equal sign (=)
Example: text_next=Next becomes text_next=Next_in_your_language
- In the string, there might be styling and new line characters.
- A new line character is represented by a backslash ().
- Styling characters are similar to HTML/XML tags. They begin with a and end with a (where tag is the actual styling attribute).
- You don't need to translate the styling characters!
- You don't need to alter the new line characters!