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This checkout SDK allow you to initiate a checkout experience across multiple payment channels such as Paystack, Flutterwave and Stripe


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Asyncpay Checkout SDK

This SDK allows you to seamlessly connect to multiple payment channels such as Flutterwave, Paystack and Stripe and create a checkout experience with only one integration.


You can see a demo of our checkout experience here:


  1. An Asyncpay account - Head to Asyncpay to create an account and gain access to your dashboard.
  2. Connect your payment Channels - The dashboard provides you a means to connect your multiple payment channels to your business. Create accounts on the payment channels you wish to integrate and provide your keys on the dashboard.
  3. Integrate this SDK - After connecting the payment channels you can initialize payments with the Asyncpay public key found on your dashboard.

Steps for Integrating this SDK

  1. To install this SDK, run the npm command
$ npm install @asyncpay/checkout
  1. The SDK exports a function that can be invoked at anytime to load a checkout experience.
import {AsyncpayCheckout} from "@asyncpay/checkout";

    email: "",
    amount: 450,

You can trigger the function on the click of a button or the submission of a form to initiate the checkout experience.

Available Checkout Options

Listed below are the available config options for the AsyncpayCheckout function exported by the checkout SDK.

publicKey, amount, description, customerEmail, customerUUID, subscriptionPlanUUID, customer, paymentChannel, successURL, cancelURL, onCancel, onError, onSuccess, logo,

Name Required Description
publicKey true The public key of your business gotten from the Asyncpay dashboard.
amount true but not considered when subscriptionPlanUUID is present The amount you want to charge the user.
currency false but not considered when subscriptionPlanUUID is present The amount you want to charge the user.
description false but not considered when subscriptionPlanUUID is present The description of the transaction.
customerEmail required if customerUUID and customer is absent The email of the customer you want to charge.
customerUUID required if customerEmail and customer is absent The UUID of the customer you want to charge.
subscriptionPlanUUID false prohibits amount, currency and description The UUID of the subscription plan you want to subscribe your customer to.
customer required if customerEmail and customerUUID is absent The customer object of the customer. Using this option would create a customer on the user.
metadata false An object that can be used to add metadata to the checkout. It expects an object whose keys and values are strings.
savePaymentMethod false This flag determines whether the payment method used for this checkout should be saved on Asyncpay. Saving this method for the customer allows you to initiate a charge later on the saved payment method.
reference false A uniquely generated reference to be tied to the payment request for your checkout session.
paymentChannel false The payment channel you want to route the payment to. If you set a value here, the checkout goes staright to that payment channel without giving the user a choice.
successURL false The url to redirect the user to after a successful payment.
cancelURL false The url to redirect the customer to if the user cancels the checkout page.
onCancel false A javascript function to call after the user cancels the checkout page.
onClose false A javascript function to call whenever the checkout page closes irrespective of why the checkout page closed.
onError false A javascript function to call whenever there is an error during the checkout process. An argument with a type of Error would be supplied to describe the error.
onSuccess false A javascript function to call after the user has successfully completed checkout.
logo false The logo to show up on the payment page if you want to override the logo set on the dashboard.

Available Customer Object Options

The table below shows the properties that can be attached to a customer object if you choose to use that to initialize a payment request with the SDK.

Name Required
firstName true
lastName true
email true
phoneCode Required if email is absent
phoneNumber Required if email is absent
addressLine1 false
addressLine2 false
city false
state false
country false
zip false


Feel free to send a message to for any support regarding using this SDK or create an issue on Github


This checkout SDK allow you to initiate a checkout experience across multiple payment channels such as Paystack, Flutterwave and Stripe








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