Users can transfer money to one another, and each transaction updates the balance in each party's bank account, you can show all Transaction History Records. A project built for the GRIP intern program at The Sparks Foundations
- Android Studio - Default IDE used to build android apps.
- Kotlin - Default language used to build this project.
- Navigation Component - Android Jetpack's Navigation component, used for Fragment-based navigation.
- MVVM - the architecture pattern used in the app (Model-View-ViewModel)
- LiveData
- SQLite, Room Database - Accessing data using Room DAOs.
- Shared Preferences Store and retrieve Night-mode status.
- Lifecycle-aware components
- DataBinding, ViewBinding
- Material 3 design system, Easy switching between Light & Night mode with an appBar-menu Button.
- RecyclerView
Light Mode | Night Mode |
Light Mode | Night Mode |
Light Mode | Night Mode |
Light Mode | Night Mode |
Light Mode | Night Mode |
Light Mode | Night Mode |
Light Mode | Night Mode |