Submission for Smartpoly Hackathon 2019 built in less than 24 hours
- Kar Wei
- coding of python/keras code
- setting up of neo4j database
- coding of neo4j graph functions with py2neo module
- Eu-Joe
- building of datasets
- Caeley
- building of neo4j nodes/data
- Python/Keras
- Neo4j Graph Database
This chatbot was built to mirror and query a real-time map of happenings in SP through the use of a graph database to provide a smoother experience to visitors new to SP when they visit for events/open houses.
- chatbot is able to answer simple queries about SP based on the data it was trained with
- chatbot is able to find shortest distances between 2 nodes which is representative of the distance between the 2 locations on the SP map
- can also get extra info about each building or facility and current events happening on the SP map mapped out in the neo4j graph database