Generate Unlimted Email account From Cpanel
This Script is tested in cPanel & WHM Version 78
With this script you are able to:--
Generate new mail accounts in bulk
1. Changes following variables values in genemail.php:--
$cdomain = '';
Your Cpanel domain without port 2082
Cpanel user Name
Cpanel Password
$domain ='';
Domain from which you have to Generate emails From Cpanel
$epass ='emailpass';
Password for all email id you can modify script if you want diffrent password for each Email id
$equota = '20'; Email quota in mb
After changing the value save this file
2. Create a file of email.txt
Enter the email name you want to generate from your Cpanel
Note:-- The file email.txt should follow the format one line each email name ", space" sepration is not allowed.
After saving the changes run the script in localhost or in your hosting
Edit variables in in deletemail.php
$cdomain = '';
Your Cpanel domain without port 2082
Cpanel user Name
Cpanel Password
$domain ='';
Domain from which you have to delete emails From Cpanel
2. Create a file of delete.txt
Enter the email name you want to delete from your Cpanel
Note:-- The file delete.txt should follow the format one line each email name ", space" sepration is not allowed.
After filling information run the script