The flow is simple. A user connects their MetaMask wallet, then can create a campaign. Campaigns then can be backed by other users, using their wallet and Ethereum.
This site variant brings a sticky navbar, footer, and modern content displays.
Click the image below to browse this GitHub branch.
- ThirdWeb / Ethers - Connectivity between Thirdweb smart contracts and MetaMask wallet
- React - Client side rendering UI and components
- ReactDOM - provides DOM-specific methods that can be used at the top level of your app
- React-Router-DOM - Handles the routing and paths for pages
- ViteJS - the default project management system for building the application
- AutoPrefixer - CSS parser and vendor CSS management
- PostCSS - CSS-in-JS and styles in JS objects.
- TailwindCSS - Frontend CSS service
- Hardhat - Ethereum development environment. Compile your contracts and run them on a development network
- DotENV - Handles the system environment variables
- Better user-authentication methods. Implimentation of a user-account model before the connection of MetaMask.
- Payment withdrawl functionality. Once users' have completed a campaign, the withdrawl of funds to their PayPal / Bank account.
- Campaign list sorting. Ability to view by date, and their highest and lowest funding totals.
- Better user profiles. With more customization options and personality.
- Handling the Solidity contract was majority of the brainache I received. I'm still navigating Solidity, and have a long way to go in order to fully understand it.
- Handling the page routing was another pain in the ***. While they function, a re-write of the routing situation is going to happen down the line.
Want to see exactly how much time was spent on each file, along with detailed project timing information?
Check this link to view the entire code-time statistics.
Click me to browse the Smart Contract entity diagram
Click the link below to view the Figma Design wireframe. The application was built from these page contraints.
Click me to view wireframes
Click the link below to view live demo website.
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