This project stores 5 Basic Python Games..!
Well, with an urge to play, I thought to build something first and play in the process..! and it did work!
Well you will have to help the computer in guessing a number, you have previously stored in your head by giving hints
like -> its too high/ its too low..
Tricking the computer this time ;)
There's the link to the code!!
This ones filled with so much fun and humour XD
You will have to give certain words of your choice as input depending on the description (verb/adjective/noun). The program
would set them in certain missing locations of a previously build story template. This would complete the story and make
it meaningful.Okay maybe not meaningful.. but giving you a ROFL for sure !XD
Check it out to unleash the fun!
I have included two story templates--> HARRY POTTER and FRIENDS ....All time favourite of mine and million others..!
This ones quite the opposite of Computer guess.
This time computer tricks you into guessing a number(given a range) by giving hints like -> too high /too low /little high /
little low till you guess it right..
Ah! this ones quite tricky!
you will be given a word to guess with all letters missing!
You have to keep guessing alphabets till you guess the entire word. It does warn you if a certain letter is not a part of the
word or if you entered any illegal character.
But wait thats not all....
You also have LIVES!! equal to the length of the word. You shed a life each time you guess the wrong letter. So, you will have
to guess the word before you loose all your lives!!
The age old delight itself!
Well the rules are pretty much the same..(Rock>scissors>paper>rock). You will just enter your choice as r/s/p against a random
choice of the computer in a BEST OF THREE!
Lets see who winss..!