A simple responsive web application in React JS to showcase the post revolution street art drawn by the students and general population.
Link to the hosted site -> Post Revolution Bangladesh
- Showcase different street artwork done by people
- Submit artwork
- Details available on each art based on submissions
- By default the images are small in size for faster load, clicking on each will load the full sized image
- The tiles are displayed using a masonry layout
As it is a simple vite react application. It can be run having node js installed and doing the simple npm install while at project root.
npm i
There is a process to go through to generate lower scaled images for the thumbnails to be displayed. While other options maybe viable, I am using a simple code using the Sharp npm package to generate my thumbnails.
The script is given below. The script assumes there will be a folder called graffiti_images with images in it to generate thumbnails from. The outputted images will be stored in another folder called graffiti_thumnails. The quality parameter is also inside the code, feel free to change it if needed.
const sharp = require("sharp");
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const imagesDir = "graffiti_images";
const thumbnailsDir = "graffiti_thumbnails";
// Create thumbnails directory if it doesn't exist
if (!fs.existsSync(thumbnailsDir)) {
// Get a list of all image files in the images directory
fs.readdir(imagesDir, (err, files) => {
if (err) {
files.forEach((file) => {
// Check if the file is an image
if (
file.endsWith(".jpg") ||
file.endsWith(".jpeg") ||
file.endsWith(".png") ||
) {
const imagePath = path.join(imagesDir, file);
if (file.endsWith("JPEG")) {
file = file.replace("JPEG", "jpg");
if (file.endsWith("jpeg")) {
file = file.replace("jpeg", "jpg");
const thumbnailPath = path.join(thumbnailsDir, file);
// Generate thumbnail using sharp
.jpeg({ quality: 30 }) // Set JPEG quality to your desired value
.toFile(thumbnailPath, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log(`Generated thumbnail for ${file}`);
This is a collaborative project authored by Asef Hossain Khan (me), Ehtashamul Haque Tamim, Sirajum Munira Shifat, Muzammel Hossain Chisty and others.
Contributions are always welcome!