Steganography is for hiding text in the image without changeing image look with openCV and Numpy Library
This project first we calculate image features like height width and size then convert the text into binary text then check if the image is big enough to store the text ? then extend the 0 bit to fit the text into image size. seprate the image into Red Green and Blue frame then seprate the text into 3 part then for every frame we remove the LSB bit of a pixel then replace it with our bit from the text then do this for all pixels then our text is decoded into image. now we can do it reverse for encodeing text from image.
We need to have installed Python, OpenCV and Numpy
for windows and ubuntu we need install python, OpenCV and Numpy
and for Google colab just install OpenCV
install OpenCV
!pip install opencv-python
install Numpy
!pip install numpy
import opencv,numpy library and cv2_imshow for showing picture in google colab
import cv2
import numpy as np
from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow
Upload your image into google colab or for local device using a local image.
found your image location and copy the path
image_path = "/content/Wallpaper.jpg"
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
here you can enter your text to hide it in image
text = """here is your text"""
you need to convert your text into binary text
def text_to_bin(text):
binary = ''.join(format(ord(char), '08b') for char in text)
return binary
binary_text = text_to_bin(text)
here is the sample of binary converted:
now you need to know what is your image size and how much it can hold data within
height, width, channels = image.shape
image_size = height*width
max_chars = int((channels*image_size)/8)
print("image height : " + str(height))
print("image width : " + str(width))
print("image size : " + str(image_size))
print("max charechter can hide in picture : " + str(max_chars))
print("image can hide : " + str((channels*image_size)/80) + " Words")
here is some information about our image :
image height : 720
image width : 1280
image size : 921600
max charechter can hide in picture : 345600
image can hide : 34560.0 Words
Here you should change the format of your text into image to fit the text to image
if your text is to big for your image here you see the error
def extend_binary_text(image_size, binary_text, max_chars):
needed_bits = len(binary_text)
if(needed_bits > max_chars*8):
print("text size is too high")
extended_binary_text = binary_text.ljust(max_chars*8, '0')
return extended_binary_text
extended_binary_text = extend_binary_text(image_size, binary_text, max_chars)
Because we have RGB image for using maximum space from the image we should separate the text into 3 part
def divide_string_parts(text, channels):
part_length = len(text) // channels
text_parts = []
for i in range(channels):
part_start = part_length * i
part_end = part_length * (i + 1)
return text_parts
text_parts = divide_string_parts(extended_binary_text, channels)
Sperate image into Red Green and Blue frame
if channels == 3:
blue_channel, green_channel, red_channel = cv2.split(image)
blue_matrix = np.array(blue_channel)
green_matrix = np.array(green_channel)
red_matrix = np.array(red_channel)
Here is our main function for decoding data into image in here we remove the first bit(LSB) of a pixel then replace it with our data then do it for all pixels
def decimalToBinary(n):
return format(n, '08b')
def binaryToDecimal(n):
return int(n,2)
counter = 0
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
red_matrix[i,j] = binaryToDecimal(decimalToBinary(red_matrix[i,j])[0:7] + text_parts[0][counter])
green_matrix[i,j] = binaryToDecimal(decimalToBinary(green_matrix[i,j])[0:7] + text_parts[1][counter])
blue_matrix[i,j] = binaryToDecimal(decimalToBinary(blue_matrix[i,j])[0:7] + text_parts[2][counter])
counter += 1
We need to gather Red Green and Blue Frame and Biuld our image.
reconstructed_image = cv2.merge([blue_matrix, green_matrix, red_matrix])
cv2.imwrite("/content/ImageWithData.png", reconstructed_image)
if you notice you cant see any changes from the picture.
Encode the image with reading the image by 8bit and extract the text.
def bin_to_text(binary):
text = ''.join(chr(int(binary[i:i+8], 2)) for i in range(0, len(binary), 8))
return text
def cut_binary_at_8_zeros(binary_str):
for i in range(0, len(binary_str), 8):
chunk = binary_str[i:i+8]
if chunk == '00000000':
return binary_str[:i]
return binary_str
def decode_text_from_image(image_path):
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
blue_channel, green_channel, red_channel = cv2.split(image)
blue_matrix = np.array(blue_channel)
green_matrix = np.array(green_channel)
red_matrix = np.array(red_channel)
text1 = ""
text2 = ""
text3 = ""
counter = 0
for i in range(height):
for j in range(width):
text1 = text1 + decimalToBinary(red_matrix[i,j])[-1]
text2 = text2 + decimalToBinary(green_matrix[i,j])[-1]
text3 = text3 + decimalToBinary(blue_matrix[i,j])[-1]
counter += 1
concated_binary_text = text1 + text2 + text3
cuted_binary_text = cut_binary_at_8_zeros(concated_binary_text)
return bin_to_text(cuted_binary_text)
after running this method you can see the hided text