Coinbase Clone
Coinbase Clone with BloC Architecture
- BLoC Architecture
- Supports Android/iOS (iOS not published yet but works fine)
- Add remaining pages
- Android
not published
- iOS
not published
- Desktop
not published
- Linux
not published
Before anything, be sure to have a working flutter sdk setup.If not installed, go to Install - Flutter.
Be sure to disable signing on build.gradle or change keystore to sign the app.
For now the required flutter channel is master, so issue those two commands before starting building:
$ flutter channel master
$ flutter upgrade
After that, building is simple as this:
$ flutter pub get
$ flutter run
$ flutter build apk
Feel free to open a PR to suggest fixes, features or whatever you want, just remember that PRs are subjected to manual review so you gotta wait for actual people to look at your contributions.