VodHelper is a program that uses the Twitch API to create formatted files containing timestamps. Useful for editors and content creators alike.
VodHelper was created by Eli Greene.
Not a lot of setup is needed for VodHelper - simply download the main.py file associated with the project and execute it - whether it be in an online interpreter, IDLE, a VM, etc.
To use VodHelper, the only thing you need is a VOD ID from Twitch, which is as follows:
The ID needed is the 10-20 digit number on the tail end of the Twitch URL. Copy and paste into the prompt and the magic starts.
Once you've pressed , An API request will be made using the ID given. If the Request is successful, it will return a "Found!" message and generate the timestamps. Otherwise, the program will close with an error. When the clip data has been gathered and the timestamp data has been generated and primed - a prompt will follow asking a question:
This was added from the perspective that editors, when given clips like these, often pick at random. A video baselessly showing off clips sorted from best to worst would be disingenuous and kind of...boring.
Output should look like this in the final file: (the titles being placeholders and completely made up, in case that wasn't apparent.)