- Natal - RN - Brazil
- Pro
tutorials Public
Forked from porfirioamarojr/tutorialsEsse repositório é dedicado a turoriais de instalação de programas e outros na distribuição Manjaro.
MIT License UpdatedDec 14, 2024 -
hypy Public
Forked from avanzzzi/hypyMultiplatform Hyper-V Manager using Python and freeRDP
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 29, 2024 -
cd-plots Public
This repo provide some tools to compute and plot post-hoc Friedman statistical test.
opencv Public
In Machine Learning discipline we need to choose a database practice the techniques of data preprocessing, classification and clustering tasks in the chosen dataset.
deep-learning Public
Implementations of the "Manual Prático do Deep Learning" course using python
ssl-dds Public
This repository use some SSL characteristics to perform the classification in Non-Stationary Data Streams.
Livros-Linux-Programa-o-TI Public
Lugar onde Você pode encontrar livros sobre programação, TI, computadores e etc
UpdatedMar 29, 2021 -
presenting.vim Public
Forked from sotte/presenting.vimA simple tool for presenting slides in vim based on text files.
Vim Script MIT License UpdatedOct 21, 2020 -
weather-station Public
A weather station using a ESP32 to collect data from an environment
suggestclasses Public
Forked from joaoeudes7/suggestclassesSuggestClasses - Sistema de Sugestão de Horários para o BSI/UFRN.
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 30, 2020 -
floydwarshall Public
The Floyd-Warshall algorithm to EDA course in ppgsc/ufrn
C UpdatedJul 12, 2019 -
eda Public
This repository contains the codes of the course Data Structures and Algorithms
DataStructurePrograms Public
Forked from jhonataslaurentino/DataStructureProgramsC UpdatedMar 20, 2019 -
vim-themes-improved Public
This repository contains my personal configurations files of the vim-themes
Vim Script UpdatedSep 13, 2018 -
Themis Public
Forked from LASER-UMASS/ThemisThemis™ is a software fairness tester.
Java Other UpdatedMay 23, 2018 -
termux-style Public
Forked from adi1090x/termux-styleSimple Program for customizing the termux font and color theme...
LP2-projects Public
Forked from eltonvs/LP2-projectsRepository with some projects/exercises from my Programming Language 2 discipline.
Java UpdatedNov 17, 2016