OBJECTIVE: The Starting Price Lookup program is developed with an aim to automate the process of extracting information of the phone models that match given criteria on the CLI(Command-line interface).
DESCRITION: As a user starts the program a welcome message is displayed, followed by which the program navigates to Bell Smart Phone Homepage and waits for user inputs to the prompted questions.The program asks for the following OPTIONAL questions which can be skipped by entering '-1': Preferred Vendors (Multiple vendors can be provided, entering '-1' when done),Preferred lower and upper limit for 24 month monthly price at $0 down,Preferred lower and upper limit for Full Device price, Preferred Colors (Multiple colors can be provided, entering '-1' when done).
The program fetches the phone models which satisfy the search criteria, extracts and displays the details on the CLI(Command-line interface).
Assumptions: User input for the preferred color should be a valid color as the program doesn't check the preferred color with a range of valid colors. In addition, preferred color should be specific as 'Black' does not consider 'AppleBlack' or 'AppleJetBlack','Blue' does not consider 'DarkBlue'.
Clone the project from GitHub.
Download chromedriver: https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/downloads depending on the Chrome version.
Extract the: chromedriver_win32.zip folder to get the: chromedriver.exe.
Place the executable file: chromedriver.exe in C:\Windows for Python and Selenium to find it.
- Skip steps 5-7 if pip already installed:
Download get-pip.py to install pip: https://phoenixnap.com/kb/install-pip-windows
Open Command Prompt and navigate to the location of the get-pip.py file
To install pip, type
python get-pip.py
Open Command Prompt
To install Selenium Webdriver, type
pip install selenium
Now go to the Project Directory via command prompt
Now, to run the program, type
python source_price_lookup.py
After execution, a welcome message will be displayed followed by loading the Bell Smartphone Homepage in the foreground.
The questions will be prompted for user inputs that form the basis for search criteria.
Clone the project from GitHub
Install pip on Ubuntu
apt install python3-pip
- Install Selenium by executing the following command in Terminal:
pip install selenium
- Install Chromedriver for Chrome:
wget https://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/83.0.4103.39/chromedriver_linux64.zip
unzip chromedriver_linux64.zip
sudo mv chromedriver /usr/local/bin/
Open Terminal
Go to the Project Directory
Now, to run the program, type
python source_price_lookup.py
After execution, a welcome message will be displayed followed by loading the Bell Smartphone Homepage in the foreground.
The questions will be prompted for user inputs that form the basis for search criteria.