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Grégoire Roussel [LIX] edited this page Mar 25, 2019 · 14 revisions

Super-Projet - multi-agent zone surveillance


SP is a personal project based on planning and controlling the motion of a team of surveillance drone over an area.

It has been built using ROS, and tested both on full-simulation (Gazebo) environment as well as mixed simulation-reality ones.

Performance evaluation is made by monitoring the system response two faults in two phases:

  • static phase: planning is inactive, no target orders are issued.

    In this phase, a good-performing system should react to faults with a minimal amount of takeoffs/landings, and minimal changes in the allocation table

  • dynamic phase: planning is active, drones are moving to targets.

    A good performing system should minimize takeoffs/landings, and trajectory changes. All operations should be performed without collisions between flying drones.



Simulation demo video

Mixed Reality

The video is ready, and will be uploaded on March 25th.

Mixed demo video