SMB - Smart Battery Module (Laptop Battery Pack) Info
Prints SBM controller info
Based on from Power Cartel
I do not know how to enter full access mode, clear permanent failure or unlock any controller IC. Unfortunally according to most datasheets, you need an unlock key. See also this article from 2011. Extract: Macbook batteries ship with a default unseal password (0x36720414). This was found by reverse engineering a Macbook battery update. On Macbook batteries, the full access mode password is also hardcoded and default (0xffffffff).
Download and extract the repository. In the Arduino IDE open the sketch with File -> Open... and select the SBMInfo folder.
The minimal connector layout is: | GROUND | THERMISTOR (103AT) | CLOCK | DATA | VCC (11 or 14 volt) | (clock and data my be switched).
- The thermistor connection has 10 kOhm to ground at 25 degree celsius.
- Clock und data connectors have the same resistance (around 0.3 to 1 MOhm) to ground.
- VCC may not be enabled. Sometimes it gets enabled when Host Present is connected to ground or clock and data are pulled high to 3.3 or 5 volt.
Some packs (e.g.for IBM-T41 with bq29310) require once an external voltage (e.g. 11 volt) at the VCC connector to initially get alive after full discharge condition.
If you see more connectors, the may be used for:
- A second (adjacent) ground and / or VCC to reduce the connector resistance for the supply current.
- A Battery Present signal. This connector is internally connected to ground at the battery pack and NOT connected to ground at the PC.
- A Host Present signal. This connector has a pullup at the battery back and is connected to ground at the PC side. Examples: | GROUND | BatteryPresent | THERMISTOR ? | CLOCK | DATA | VCC | - seen at HP packs. | GROUND | GROUND | Alert ? | HostPresent | BatteryPresent | DATA | CLOCK | VCC | VCC | - seen at Dell packs.
After startup, the program scans for a connected I2C device.
In version 4.0 a voltage and resistance measurement by means of 4 additional resistors is integrated to identify the I2C pins.
It measures voltage or resistance to ground (if voltage is zero).
The I2c pins have around 300 kOhm to 1000 kOhm, the thermistor 10 kOhm (sometimes up to 40 kOhm).
You can try different I2C pin combinations until led stops blinking and Found I2C device attached at address: 0x0B
is printed.
If you connect clock or data with the thermistor connector or ground, the scanning stops.
After connecting, full data is printed.
Dynamic values like temperature, voltage and current are checked every 3 seconds and printed if changed.
Tested with bq20z70, bq20z451, bq2084, bq80201DBT, bq40z50.
An example schematic for a SBM module can be found in the datasheet of TI bq29311 at page 9.
- line: "SBMInfo" | Version | VCC voltage
- line: Date of program compilation
- line: "Scan for device" | Scan counter
- line: Resistance or Voltage
- line: "SBMInfo" | Version
- line: Date of program compilation | Manufacturer name
- line: Manufacturer date (YYYY-MM-DD) | Battery cycle count
- line: Design voltage | Design capacity
- line: Voltage | Current (negative for discharging) | optional 'H' for read error (hold)
- line: Percent of designed full charge capacity | Design capacity -> Full charge capacity
- line: Percent of relative charge
- line: Time to empty of full at current current (of line 1)
- line: Currently available (remaining) capacity
Dynamic data | Dynamic data while discharging |
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Gibt die Daten des SMB Controllers aus. Basiert auf von Power Cartel Hier gibt es auch weitere wertvolle Informationen.
In der Version 4.0 ist eine Spannungs und Widerstandsmessung mittels 4 Widerständen integriert, um die I2C Pins zu identifizieren.
Die Clock und Data Eingänge waren bei meinen Packs die Anschlüsse mit einem Widerstand von ca. 300 k bis 1 MOhm nach Masse.
Nach dem Booten sucht das Programm nach einem angeschlossenen I2C Device.
Man kann also alle möglichen Pinkombinationen von Clock und Data am Battery Pack ausprobieren.
Bei der Richtigen hört das Blinken der Led auf und es kommt sofort die Ausgabe Found I2C device attached at address: 0x0B
und direkt danach werden die Daten ausgegeben.
Bei den Laptop Battery Packs war Plus und Masse immer außen. Wenn mehr als 5 Kontakte vorhanden waren, waren sie wie folgt belegt:
- Masse und Plus doppelt. z.B. + | + | Thermistor | Data | Clock | - | -
- Ein Enable (nur im Laptop mit Masse verbunden) und eine Signal Anschluss (nur im Battery Pack mit Masse verbunden). z.B. VCC | VCC | CLOCK | DATA | Signal | Enable | THERMISTOR | GROUND | GROUND |
Der Thermo-Sensor Anschluss war uneinheitlich, mal nicht messbar beschaltet, mal 1 MOhm, mal 1,6 Volt, mal 10 kOhm nach Masse.
Zur Verbindung mit den Kontakten habe ich normales 1,5 qmm Kupferkabel aus der Hausinstallation genommen, dessen eines Ende ich mit einem Hammer etwas plattgeklopft hab. Stecknadeln oder Breadboard Wires gehen auch.
Die Daten werden nur einmalig nach dem Reset ausgegeben, nur die veränderlichen Werte wie Spannung / Strom / Temperatur / Ladung werden alle 3 Sekunden auf Veränderungen gecheckt.
Tested with bq20z70, bq20z451, bq2084, bq80201DBT, bq40z50.
Einen Schaltplan zu den Batterie Modulen gibt es im Datenblatt zum TI bq29311 auf Seite 9.
Sample outputs can be found in folder extras.
START ../src/SBMInfo.cpp
Version 4.0 from Oct 12 2021
No LiPo supply detected -> fast display timing
Found attached I2C device at 0xB
Battery mode (BIN) 0b110000010000001
- Internal Charge Controller Supported
- Battery OK
- Disable AlarmWarning broadcast to Host and Smart Battery Charger
- Disable broadcasts of ChargingVoltage and ChargingCurrent to Smart Battery Charger
Manufacturer Name DP-SDI51
Chemistry LION
Manufacturer Data 0x6 7D B B1 67 14 96 D 0 C8 0 A9 2A
Device Name DAVOS
Serial number 55982 | 0xDAAE
Manufacture date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2008-5-25
Design voltage 10.800 V
Design capacity 5100 mAh
Charging current 3570 mA
Charging voltage 12.600 V
Specification info 33 | 0x21
Cycle count 277
Max error of charge calculation 100%
Remaining time alarm 10 min
Remaining capacity alarm 510 mAh
Pack status (BIN) 0b11010110000
Device Type: 0 | 0x0
Setting AT rate to 100 mA
TimeToFull at rate Battery not being (dis)charged - received 0xFFFF
Setting AT rate to -100 mA
TimeToEmpty at rate 21 h 28 min
Can be delivered for 10 seconds at rate: 1 | 0x1
Full charge capacity 4215 mAh = 82%
Remaining capacity 2148 mAh
Relative charge 51%
Absolute charge 42%
Voltage 11.467 V
Current 0 mA
Average current of last minute 0 mA
Temperature 21.55 C
Minutes remaining until empty Battery not being (dis)charged - received 0xFFFF
Average minutes remaining until empty: Battery not being (dis)charged - received 0xFFFF
Minutes remaining for full charge Battery not being (dis)charged - received 0xFFFF
Battery status (BIN) 0b11000000
80 Initialized
40 Discharging
Cell 1 Voltage: 3.826 V
Cell 2 Voltage: 3.823 V
Cell 3 Voltage: 3.819 V
Cell 4 Voltage: 0.000 V
--- Next values are from another Pack! I connected 22 Ohm Resistor -> 699 mA discharging
Voltage 15.788 V
Average current of last minute -187 mA
Average minutes remaining until empty: 15 h 24 min
Cell 4 Voltage: 3.935 V
Voltage 15.807 V
Average current of last minute -120 mA
Average minutes remaining until empty: 24 h 1 min
Cell 4 Voltage: 3.949 V
Average current of last minute -77 mA
Average minutes remaining until empty: 37 h 25 min
Voltage 15.714 V
Current -699 mA
Average current of last minute -178 mA
Minutes remaining until empty 4 h 7 min
Average minutes remaining until empty: 16 h 11 min
- Integrated voltage and resistance measurement.
- Major improvements in I2C communication and output.
- Detection of disconnect.
- Improved LCD output.
- Better prints at scanning.