Control implementation on Virtual RobotX (VRX) simulator as part of NTU-India connect Research internship
This python script can be used with VRX simulator. Follow their tutoral page to install the VRX simulator environment.
After installation, add the file to ~/vrx_ws/src/vrx/vrx_gazebo/nodes.
Now, go to ~/vrx_ws/src/vrx/vrx_gazebo/CMakeLists.txt and add "nodes/" to the catkin_install_python function.
Make the python script executable:
$ chmod +x ~/vrx_ws/src/vrx/vrx_gazebo/nodes/
Use catkin_make
to build:
$ cd ~/vrx_ws
$ catkin_make
Launch the VRX simulation with a simple world:
$ roslaunch vrx_gazebo vrx.launch
Open a new terminal and start the python node:
$ rosrun vrx_gazebo