You will build a rest Api using Java and Spring Boot. You must use Spring Data JPA and H2 in-memory database to persist all data. You must use Repositories, Services, and RestControllers You should implement pagination for all endpoints that return lists You may implement Flyway, but it is not required You should have the following tests, making use of @SpringBootTest, @DataJpaTest where necessary: Unit tests of services and business logic using MockBean Integrations tests End-to-end tests using MockMvc
You are building an order system for a factory that sells machines.
Welcome to our REST API documentation for our order system for managing orders. Our API allows users to create machines and customers, which can then be added to orders.
The order system is populated with a lot of data when running main, which can be queried with a tool like postman. If so, see endpoint documentation below.
A machine is composed of subassemblies, and each subassembly consists of various parts. An already designed machine can be included in multiple orders through order lines.
However, for a new machine, the process involves creating parts, subassemblies, and finally, the machine – in that specific order. Each machine is aware of its subassemblies, and subassemblies are linked to their respective parts.
Worth noting, if a Machine is deleted, its underlying subassemblies and parts are deleted in that order.
Our Order system is designed to receive a list of ids when relying on Request objects.
An order consists of order lines, each containing a single machine. An order has one customer, and it may have multiple order lines. A customer must have an address associated with them to be linked to an order. If an order is deleted, its underlying order lines will also be deleted. Customers, on the other hand, persist in the system even if they have no associated orders. A customer can have multiple orders, but an order line can only be part of one order.
An Order is created by sending an OrderRequest Object.
Customers can be created without specifying an address, only email and name is required. However, as previously mentioned, they must have a registered address before being associated with any orders. It's worth noting that a customer can have multiple addresses associated with their profile. The creation of a customer involves sending a Customer Object through the designated API endpoint.
Service layer is to a great extent making use of records when sending result to controller.
-----------------------------------------Record: Operation Result----------------------------------------------------
OperationResult is used whenever an endpoint listens for POST or PUT:
"success": true,
"errorMessage": null,
"createdObject": {Updated/Created Object}
"success": false,
"errorMessage": "A machine needs to at least have one subassembly",
"createdObject": null
-----------------------------------------Record: DeleteResultIds----------------------------------------------------
DeleteResultIds is used by all delete operations except from Order. Our API returns a list of related ids if an object can't be deleted because of its relations.
"success": false,
"error": "Can't delete machine. Machine placed in order lines.",
"related_ids": [1,2,3]
-----------------------------------------Record: DeleteResultObject----------------------------------------------------
DeleteResultObject is used when deleting an order. We wanted to return deleted order lines instead of only returning its ids.
"success": true,
"message": "Order and Order Lines deleted",
"errorMessage": null,
"deletedOrderLines": [{}]
-----------------------------------------Record: TopCustomerResponseObject----------------------------------------------------
TopCustomerResponseObject is used when returning an array of x number of customers sorted by highest total order value
"id": 2,
"name": "Kelle Walsh",
"totalOrderValue": 30323
All endpoints expect Json Request Body and all endpoints return Json objects.
Operation | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Success Response | Error Response |
Create Address | POST /api/address | Create a new address. | Address object | 201 Created with the created address | 400 Bad Request with an error message. |
Get Address by ID | GET /api/address/{id} | Retrieve an address by its ID. | Path Parameter: {id} | 200 OK with the retrieved address | 404 Not Found if the address does not exist. |
Get Addresses by Page | GET /api/address/page/{pageNumber} | Retrieve a list of addresses based on the page number. | Path Parameters: {pageNumber} | 200 OK with a list of addresses | None. Empty array if no address is found at page. |
Delete Address | DELETE /api/address/{id} | Delete an address by its ID. | Path Parameter: {id} | 204 No Content if the address is successfully deleted | 400 Bad Request with an error and related ids if address is in us. |
Update Address | PUT /api/address/{id} | Update adress by its ID and with new data from an Address object. | @Path Parameter: {id}, Address Object | 200 OK with updated object | 400 Bad Request with an error message. |
Address object:
"streetAddress": "New Address",
"zipCode": "0655"
Error response deletion:
"success": false,
"error": "Address has active customers.",
"related_ids": [1]
Operation | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Success Response | Error Response |
Create Customer | POST /api/customer | Create a new customer. | Customer object | 201 Created with the created customer | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Get Customer by ID | GET /api/customer/{id} | Retrieve a customer by their ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 200 OK with the retrieved customer | 404 Not Found if the customer does not exist |
Get Customers by Page | GET /api/customer/page/{pageNumber} | Retrieve a list of customers based on the page number. | Path Parameters: {pageNumber} | 200 OK with a list of customers | None. Empty array if no customer is found at page. |
Add Address to Customer | POST /api/customer/{customerId}/add/{addressId} | Add an address to a customer. | Path Parameters: {customerId}, {addressId} | 200 OK with the updated customer | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Delete Address from Customer | DELETE /api/customer/{customerId}/remove/{addressId} | Remove an address from a customer. Deletes address if its not in use. | Path Parameters: {customerId}, {addressId} | 200 OK with the updated customer | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Delete Customer | DELETE /api/customer/{id} | Delete a customer by their ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 204 No Content if the customer is successfully deleted | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Update Customer | PUT /api/customer/update/{customerId} | Update customer details. | Path Parameters: {customerId}, Customer Object | 200 OK with the updated customer | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Get Top Customers | GET /api/customer/top/{numberOfCustomers} | Retrieve top customers by order value. Path parameter presenting number of customers in returned list. | Path Parameters: {numberOfCustomers} | 200 OK with a list of top customers | None. Empty array representing no customers found. |
Customer object:
"customerName":"Customer Name",
Success Response created customer:
"customerId": 51,
"customerName": "Customer Name",
"email": "",
"orders": [],
"addresses": []
Trying to delete customer with active order:
"success": false,
"error": "Customer has active orders.",
"related_ids": [1, 2]
Trying to update customer with email that already exist:
"error:": "Email is already in use.",
Operation | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Success Response | Error Response |
Create Machine | POST /api/machine | Create a new machine. | MachineRequest object | 201 Created with the created machine | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Get Machine by ID | GET /api/machine/{id} | Retrieve a machine by its ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 200 OK with the retrieved machine | 404 Not Found if the machine does not exist |
Get Machines by Page | GET /api/machine/page/{pageNumber} | Retrieve a list of machines based on the page number. | Path Parameters: {pageNumber} | 200 OK with a list of machines | None. Empty array if no machine is found at page. |
Delete Machine | DELETE /api/machine/{id} | Delete a machine by its ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 204 No Content if the machine is successfully deleted | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Update Machine | PUT /api/machine/update/{machineId} | Update machine details. | Path Parameters: {machineId} and MachineRequest Object | 200 OK with the updated machine | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
MachineRequest object:
"machineName": "your_machine_name",
"price": 1000,
"subassemblyIds": [1, 2, 3]
Trying to delete a machine with active orders:
"success": false,
"error": "Can't delete machine. Machine placed in order lines.",
"related_ids": [1, 2, 3]
Operation | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Success Response | Error Response |
Create Order | POST /api/order | Create a new order. | OrderRequest object | 201 Created with the created order | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Get Order by ID | GET /api/order/{id} | Retrieve an order by its ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 200 OK with the retrieved order | 404 Not Found if the order does not exist |
Get Orders by Page | GET /api/order/page/{pageNumber} | Retrieve a list of orders based on the page number. | Path Parameters: {pageNumber} | 200 OK with a list of orders | None. Empty array if no customers is present. |
Update Order | PUT /api/order/update/{orderId} | Update order details. | Path Parameters: {orderId}, OrderRequest Object | 200 OK with updated object | 400 Bad Request with an error message. |
Delete Order | DELETE /api/order/{orderId} | Delete an order by its ID. | Path Parameters: {orderId} | 20O OK with the deleted Object and it's details. | 400 Bad Request with an error message. |
OrderRequest Object:
"customerId": 1,
"orderLineIds": [1,2,3,4]
Operation | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Success Response | Error Response |
Create OrderLine | POST /api/order-line/{machineId} | Create a new order line by passing machine id as path paramter. | Path Parameters: {machineId} | 201 Created with the created order line | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Delete OrderLine | DELETE /api/order-line/{id} | Delete an order line by its ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 204 No Content if the order line is successfully deleted | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Get OrderLine by ID | GET /api/order-line/{id} | Retrieve an order line by its ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 200 OK with the retrieved order line | 404 Not Found if the order line does not exist |
Get OrderLines by Page | GET /api/order-line/page/{pageNumber} | Retrieve a list of order lines based on the page number. | Path Parameters: {pageNumber} | 200 OK with a list of order lines | None. Empty array if no order lines are present on page. |
Update OrderLine | PUT /api/order-line/update/{orderLineId} | Update order line details. | Path Parameters: {orderLineId}, OrderLine Object | 200 OK with updated object | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Operation | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Success Response | Error Response |
Create Part | POST /api/part | Create a new part. | Part object | 201 Created with the created part | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Get Parts by Page | GET /api/part/page/{pageNumber} | Retrieve a list of parts based on the page number. | Path Parameters: {pageNumber} | 200 OK with a list of parts | None. Empty array if no part are present on page. |
Get Part by ID | GET /api/part/{id} | Retrieve a part by its ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 200 OK with the retrieved part | 404 Not Found if the part does not exist |
Delete Part | DELETE /api/part/{id} | Delete a part by its ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 204 No Content if the part is successfully deleted | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Update Part | PUT /api/part/update/{partId} | Update part details. | Path Parameters: {partId}, Part Object | 200 OK with updated object | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Part Object:
"partName": "name goes here"
Trying to delete a part that's in use:
"success": false,
"error": "Part in use. Can't delete part.",
"related_ids": [1]
Operation | Endpoint | Description | Request Body | Success Response | Error Response |
Create Subassembly | POST /api/subassembly | Create a new subassembly. | SubassemblyRequest | 201 Created with the created subassembly | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Get Subassembly by ID | GET /api/subassembly/{id} | Retrieve a subassembly by its ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 200 OK with the retrieved subassembly | 404 Not Found if the subassembly does not exist |
Get Subassemblies by Page | GET /api/subassembly/page/{pageNumber} | Retrieve a list of subassemblies based on the page number. | Path Parameters: {pageNumber} | 200 OK with a list of subassemblies | None. Empty array if no subassemblies are present. |
Delete Subassembly | DELETE /api/subassembly/{id} | Delete a subassembly by its ID. | Path Parameters: {id} | 204 No Content if the subassembly is successfully deleted | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
Update Subassembly | PUT /api/subassembly/{subassemblyId} | Update subassembly details. | Path Parameters: {subassemblyId}, SubassemblyRequest Object | 200 OK with updated object | 400 Bad Request with an error message |
SubassemblyRequest object:
"subassemblyName": "Your subassembly Name",
"partIds": [123, 456, 789]
Trying to dele a subassembly that's in use:
"success": false,
"error": "Subassembly is in use. Can't delete.",
"related_ids": [1]
Data JPA is used to test our custom repository queries.
MockMvc is used to make HTTP requests during end-to-end tests.
All methods in service layer are tested by mocking repositories.