SiG website
Assalamualaikum, Hello there! welcome to SiG FSTM repository for SiG website development. We are a group of students from FSTM KUIS that love to share knowledge about the technology.
We are all students from Computer Science, Networking and Multimedia in IT at KUIS.
Here we build a website with help from Jekyll (as site generator) and hosted with Github. This website is where we share all our SiG sharing session by students to the public in articles form.
About this site:
Most of the CSS code and Jquery script is built from scratch by contributors
Static website with blog-aware (Jekyll)
Hosted on Github
Mobile first design
Create open source environment
Improve core skills in web development
Understanding in basic how website works
Encourage contribution to others Open Source projects
Best practice in git commit
Understanding Open Source
Getting familiar with Github features
Basic HTML, CSS, Jquery.
Getting started
Make sure your computer already installed ruby. You can check it by run ruby -v in terminal. This is used to make sure jekyl run properly. Check out kaitoAckerman on his post about Gem and Ruby :p.
~ ➜ ruby -v ruby 2.4.2p198 (2017-09-14 revision 59899) [x86_64-linux]
Once Ruby is installed, you can start fork this repository by clicking fork button and clone it to your computer.
In your local computer, in project root directory. You can open up terminal and run gem install bundler and then bundle install. That's it. Now you can start contributing. Of course you need some information about how the folder structure works, you can check it here. Want to contribute?
Hey, we have written a documentation specifically about contribution in this repository wiki page. Have a look (Opss, we are not going to use wiki page for the time being) You can create markdown file to contribute in Documentation.
for example: FAQ?