Hi there, I'm Aravinth Meganathan!
Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer with expertise in leveraging data-driven insights to solve complex problems. Passionate about developing innovative solutions using machine learning algorithms and advanced analytics techniques. Skilled in Python, SQL, and data visualization. Projects:
Enhancing User Experience: Text Classification for Online App using DistilBertTokenizerFast
- Executed successful text classification using the DistilBERT model.
- Achieved remarkable precision, recall & F1-score of 1, showcasing excellence in sentiment analysis.
- Developed a deep learning model for sentiment analysis of online class app feedback using BERT.
- Achieved 84% accuracy by focusing on high precision for positive sentiments and high recall for negative sentiments.
- Pizza Sales Forecasting and Ingredient Planning
- A data-driven project that forecasts pizza sales for the next 3 months using time-series data and XGBoost regression.
- The project also predicts ingredient requirements based on the forecasted sales, helping optimize inventory management and reduce overstock or understock scenarios.
4.Time Series Forecasting - Time Series Forecasting for Mobile Shop Sales (Github)
- Led project on predictive sales forecasting for mobile shop using FBProphet and XGBoost.
- Achieved high accuracy: FBProphet MAPE 0.12%, XGBoost MAPE 0.11%.
- Enhanced business analytics and optimized inventory management in dynamic mobile market.
Skills: Python | SQL | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Data Visualization | Natural Language Processing | Transformers
- Authored a blog on handling missing values in Medium, providing insights and practical solutions.
- Engaged in knowledge sharing and problem-solving on Stack Overflow, providing assistance to fellow developers in the data science and machine learning community.
I'm always open to interesting conversations and collaboration. Feel free to reach out to me via email or LinkedIn.