Simple clojure wrapper over Caffeine
Add [com.appsflyer/cloffeine "1.0.0"]
to your project.clj
under :dependencies
- This project is used in production already and is deemed stable.
- Since 1.0.0 the project will change the major semver iff Caffeine does so (currently at 3.x).
(require '[cloffeine.cache :as cache])
(require '[clojure.test :refer [is]])
(def cache (cache/make-cache))
(cache/put! cache :key :v)
(is (= :v (cache/get cache :key name)))
(cache/invalidate! cache :key)
(is (= "key" (cache/get cache :key name)))
(require '[cloffeine.loading-cache :as loading-cache])
(require '[cloffeine.common :as common])
(def loads (atom 0))
(def cl (common/reify-cache-loader (fn [k]
(swap! loads inc)
(name k))))
(def lcache (loading-cache/make-cache cl))
(loading-cache/put! lcache :key :v)
(is (= :v (loading-cache/get lcache :key)))
(is (= 0 @loads))
(loading-cache/invalidate! lcache :key)
(is (= "key" (loading-cache/get lcache :key)))
(is (= 1 @loads))
(is (= "key" (loading-cache/get lcache :key name)))
(is (= 1 @loads))
(is (= "key" (cache/get lcache :key name)))
(is (= 1 @loads))
(cache/invalidate! lcache :key)
(is (= "key" (cache/get lcache :key name)))
(is (= 1 @loads))
(require '[cloffeine.async-cache :as async-cache])
(require '[promesa.core :as p])
(def acache (async-cache/make-cache))
(async-cache/put! acache :key (p/resolved :v))
(is (= :v @(async-cache/get acache :key name)))
(async-cache/invalidate! acache :key)
(is (= "key" @(async-cache/get acache :key name)))
(require '[cloffeine.async-loading-cache :as async-loading-cache])
(def alcache (async-loading-cache/make-cache (common/reify-cache-loader name)))
(async-loading-cache/put! alcache :key (p/resolved :v))
(is (= :v @(async-loading-cache/get alcache :key name)))
(async-loading-cache/invalidate! alcache :key)
(is (= "key" @(async-loading-cache/get alcache :key name)))