🌱 I’m currently learning at Microverse
🔭 I’m use to work on Geological Industry.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on JavaScript and HTML projects
📫 How to reach me: Linked in and marcohincapiem@gmail.com.
🌱 I’m currently learning at Microverse
🔭 I’m use to work on Geological Industry.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on JavaScript and HTML projects
📫 How to reach me: Linked in and marcohincapiem@gmail.com.
Book exotic vehicles website. React consumes data from a Ruby on Rails API. It allows users to register and make reservations. Build with React, Ruby on Rails, and PostgreSQL.
In this project, an exotic car rental website was made, it mixes great design and functionality and a luxury backend
This project is about building a mobile web application where you can manage your budget: you have a list of transactions associated with a category, so that you can see how much money you spent an…
Ruby 1
mathbirthdays.com is a site that wants to help people celebrate their special "math birthdays." A "math birthday" is a date that is 10^n days after the day they were born. On your first math birthd…