Is there an existing issue for this?
- I searched the existing issues and did not find anything similar.
Current Behavior
Building antimicrox on Debian works as expected when following the official build instructions.
Installing the .deb after building with QT6 fails. The reason is, apt wants to install "libqt6widgets6t64" as a dependency. This is a rather uncommon package and only available in Debian Unstable for the m68k architecture! Removing this dependency from the .deb results in an installable and working programm.
Building with QT5 works and installs as expected. It depends on libqt5widgets which is common and not unexpected at all.
My suspicion is, the libqt6widgets6t64 dependency should in fact be changed to libqt6widgets.
Expected Behavior
No response
Steps To Reproduce
No response
Program Version 3.5.0
Raspberry Pi OS "bookworm" (Debian Stable) on a Raspberry Pi 4
Anything else?
No response
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