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IROS 2021 - Hiding Leader’s Identity in Leader-Follower Navigation through MARL

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Hiding Leader's Identity

This is the official repository for the following two papers:

  1. Hiding Leader's Identity in Leader-Follower Navigation through Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
    Ankur Deka, Wenhao Luo, Huao Li, Michael Lewis, Katia Sycara
    Accepted to IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2021
    Paper Link: Arxiv, IROS
  2. Human vs. Deep Neural Network Performance at a Leader Identification Task
    Ankur Deka, Michael Lewis, Huao Li, Phillip Walker, Katia Sycara*
    Accepted to Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) Annual Meeting 2021
    Paper Link: PITT, HFES


I have tested this repository with Python 3.6 on Ubuntu 18.04. First install Anaconda and then run:

git clone
cd Hiding-Leader-Identity
conda create python=3.6 pip --name HidingIdentity
conda activate HidingIdentity
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: gym_vecenv MUST be installed from the link in requirements.txt. pip install gym_vecenv will NOT give the same results!

Quick start - Pretrained policies

From left to right: Naive MARL, Our proposed strategy (Paper 1), Co-training (Stage 4 in Paper 2), Scripted PD, Zheng et al.

Download the folder marlsave from this Drive link and store it in the root directory.

  1. Naive MARL
python --mode test --load-mode individual --swarm-load-run 0 --swarm-load-ckpt latest --adversary-load-run 0 --adversary-load-ckpt latest --out-dir naive_marl --plot-trajectories --record --goal-at-top --seed 0
  1. Our proposed leader identity hiding policy in Paper 1
python --mode test --load-mode joint --load-run 1 --load-ckpt latest --out-dir leader_hiding --plot-trajectories --record --goal-at-top --seed 0
  1. Co-training - stage 4 in Paper 2 I am providing 3 training runs (2,3 and 4) due to stochasticity of results (refer to Paper 2).
python --mode test --load-mode joint --load-run 2 --load-ckpt latest --out-dir co_training --plot-trajectories --record --goal-at-top --seed 0
  1. Scripted PD
python --mode test --algo scripted --load-mode individual --adversary-load-run 4 --adversary-load-ckpt latest --out-dir scripted_pd --plot-trajectories --record --goal-at-top --seed 0
  1. Zheng et al.
python -W ignore --algo genetic --adversary-hidden-dim 512 --num-processes 1 --mode test --load-mode joint --load-run 5 --load-ckpt latest --adversary-version V2 --out-dir zheng --plot-trajectories --record --goal-at-top --seed 0

Full details - Train and test yourself


There are multiple stages of training as described in the above mentioned papers: Stage 1 to 3 in Paper 1, Stage 1 to 4 in Paper 2. For each stage, for both train and test mode, we need to or adversary_training/ with the right arguments as explained below.

Stage 1

Train multi-robot team on goal reaching reward

python --mode train --use-adversary 0

Saves training files in a folder marlsave/run_n1. n1 is generated automatically starting from 0 and increasing everytime we run train. Trained model checkpoints and tensorboard logs are saved here. It is important to note down the run number n1 for use below.


Replace --load-run 0 with the same n1 as above. load-ckpt can be latest or a valid number. Results are saved in output/stage_1

python --mode test --use-adversary 0 --load-mode joint --load-run 0 --load-ckpt latest --out-dir stage_1 --record --goal-at-top

Stage 2

Train adversary to identify leader

  1. Generate trajectory data
    Replace --load-run 0 with the right value of n1 corresponding to training in stage 1.
python --mode test --use-adversary 0 --load-mode joint --load-run 0 --load-ckpt latest --out-dir stage_1_train --num-eval-episodes 1000
python --mode test --use-adversary 0 --load-mode joint --load-run 0 --load-ckpt latest --out-dir stage_1_test --num-eval-episodes 100 --goal-at-top

Saves trajectories in output/stage_1_train/trajs and output/stage_1_test/trajs.

  1. Create a dataset folder
mkdir -p trajectory_datasets/dataset_1
mv output/stage_1_train/trajs trajectory_datasets/dataset_1/train_dataset
mv output/stage_1_test/trajs trajectory_datasets/dataset_1/test_dataset
  1. Train adversary
cd adversary_training
python --mode train --dataDir ../trajectory_datasets/dataset_1

This will save training files in runs/run_n2 where n2 is generated automatically. It is important to note down n2 for use below.

  1. Test adversary
    Replace 0 in --swarm-load-run 0 with n1. Replace 0 in --adversary-load-run n2 with n2.
cd ..
python --mode test --load-mode individual --swarm-load-run 0 --swarm-load-ckpt latest --adversary-load-run 0 --adversary-load-ckpt latest --out-dir stage_2_results --plot-trajectories --record --goal-at-top

Stage 3

Train swarm with goal reaching + identity hiding reward

Replace 0 in --adversary-load-run 0 with n2.

python --mode train --load-mode individual --adversary-load-run 0 --adversary-load-ckpt latest --train-adversary 0

Saves training files in a folder marlsave/run_n2.


Replace 1 in --load-run 0 with n2.

python --mode test --load-mode joint --load-run 1 --load-ckpt latest --out-dir stage_3_results --plot-trajectories --record --goal-at-top

This is our proposed policy in Paper 1.

Stage 4

Joint training of swarm and adversary

python --mode train


Replace --load-run 1

python --mode test --load-mode joint --load-run 1 --load-ckpt latest --out-dir stage_4_results --plot-trajectories --record --goal-at-top


Scripted PD

set algo=scripted

python --mode test --use-adversary 0 --algo scripted --out-dir scripted_pd_train --num-eval-episodes 1000
python --mode test --use-adversary 0 --algo scripted --out-dir scripted_pd_test --num-eval-episodes 100 --goal-at-top
mkdir -p trajectory_datasets/dataset_scripted_pd
mv output/scripted_pd_train/trajs trajectory_datasets/dataset_scripted_pd/train_dataset
mv output/scripted_pd_test/trajs trajectory_datasets/dataset_scripted_pd/test_dataset

cd adversary_training
python --mode train --dataDir ../trajectory_datasets/dataset_scripted_pd

cd ..
python --mode test --algo scripted --load-mode individual --adversary-load-run 4 --adversary-load-ckpt latest --out-dir scripted_pd_results --plot-trajectories --record --goal-at-top --seed 0

Zheng et al. - Genetic

Pretraining Adversary

cd adversary_training
python --mode train --dataDir ../trajectory_datasets/dataset_genetic_pretraining --lr 0.025 --version V2 --hiddenDim 512 --optimizer SGD


cd ..
cmd python -W ignore --adversary-num-trajs 100 --algo genetic --adversary-load-ckpt latest --num-frames 1000000 --adversary-hidden-dim 512 --num-processes 1 --mode train --env-name simple_flocking --adversary-load-run 8 --load-mode individual --adversary-num-epochs 1 --adversary-version V2


python -W ignore --algo genetic --adversary-hidden-dim 512 --num-processes 1 --mode test --env-name simple_flocking --load-mode joint --load-run 228 --load-ckpt latest --adversary-version V2 


Generating plotting data

python --load-run 32

Recording and playing videos

Use file to generate multiple videos together. Open swarm_training/output/video_previewing_tool/video_preview.html on browser (tested on Firefox 75.0 beta and Chrome Version 83.0.4103.61 (Official Build) (64-bit)). Browse and select the videos you wish to play.

--store-video-together to store videos in common folder


  1. For checking results of different ckpts of same run (1) pass an array of 'load-ckpt': [10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100], (2) 'store-video-together': [''], (3) DON'T pass 'out_dir' - auto generates out-dir names

Useful arguments

Arguments are defined in

  1. num_frames: No. of environment frames to train on
  2. num_iters: num_frames // num_processes
  3. update_every: Updated after this many frames
  4. num_updates: No. of updates for each update_every
  5. batch_size
  6. buffer_size: Should be larger than max possible episode length


  1. load-mode = {individual, joint}
    1. individual: loads from swarm-load-path and adversary-load-path
    2. joint: loads from load-path


  1. provides a convenient way to run multiple experiments. Earlier, I didn't have any problem but lately I'm having issues training in parallel. run_ID of one experiment is clashing with another

User Data

  1. web_form contains complete web based UI. In our experiments we hosted on a Apache web server running on a google cloud instance.
  2. Data is saved in user_data.txt. cd web_form && python user_data.txt to convert to csv format. If there is any space/new line at the end of user_data.txt, remove it before converting.

Folders and files

  1. out_files: trajectories of swarm robots, one episode per file
  2. adversary_training: code for training adversary
    1. Prototyping_notebook.ipynb
    2. runs: checkpoints and tensorboard
    3. training/validating
    4. dataset class
    5. model classes
  3. swarm_training: code for training swarm
    1. main file for running
    2. arguments
    3. Learner - master object for the swarm
    4. runs: checkpoints and tensorboard
  4. mape: environment

Environment Description

  1. simple_flocking - goal reaching, leader observes goal location
  2. simple_trajectory - trajectory following, leader observes next loc on trajectory (crude implementation). 'is_success' is always False
  3. Successful if all agents are within a thershold distance to the goal
  4. Reward: difference in distance + additional goal on task completion (disable right now)
  5. Goal at the top half of the window during training and at y = 0.9 during testing (to get roughly uniform goal reaching time for human trials)
  6. Adversary cannot see the goal
  7. Implementation details:
    1. done is a list with True/False repeated num_agents times. All should have save value. Env is reset (by gym_vecenv or PseudoVecEnv) even if one of them is True
    2. info['env_done'] contains done for overall team
    3. info['is_success'] contains is_success for overall team
    4. env reset when it's done by gym_vecenv or PseudoVecEnv, last obs stored in info['terminal_observation']
    5. mape/multiagent/environment: generates multiagent environment
    6. mape/environment/scenarios/simple_flocking: goal reaching environment

Output files

  1. stored in output/args.out_file
  2. adversary_preds has csv files for different episodes. First column is true leader ID in corresponding video, second column is adversary's prediction.

Common Issues

  1. Pyglet:
File "./mape/multiagent/", line 120, in render
    arr = np.fromstring(, dtype=np.uint8, sep='')
AttributeError: 'ImageData' object has no attribute 'data'

Solution: pip install pyglet==1.3.2


  1. swarm_training directory is adapted from: marl_transfer.
  2. Parts of the code for Zheng et al. are adapted from the corresponding private_flocking repository.