JDeck is a Thoth.Json-like Json decoder based on System.Text.Json
in a single file with no external
dependencies. Plays well with other libraries that use System.Text.Json
like FSharp.SystemTextJson
Note: While JDeck has no dependencies to start working right away, it is recommended to use FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
For most F# types, you can use the Decode.auto
function to decode JSON as shown below:
#r "nuget: JDeck, 1.0.0-beta-*"
open JDeck
type Person = {
name: string
age: int
emails: string list
let json = """{"name": "Alice", "age": 30, "emails": ["alice@name.com", "alice@age.com"] }"""
let result: Result<Person, DecodeError> = Decoding.auto(json)
match result with
| Ok person -> printfn $"Person: %A{person}"
| Error err -> printfn $"Error: %A{err}"
In cases where the data is inconclusive, you deserialize Discriminated Unions or does not play well with F# immutability, you can create a manual decoder.
#r "nuget: JDeck, 1.0.0-beta-*"
open System.Text.Json
open JDeck
type Person = {
Name: string
Age: int
Emails: string list
type ServerResponse = { Data: Person; Message: string }
let personDecoder: Decoder<Person> = fun person -> decode {
let! name = person |> Required.Property.get("name", Optional.string)
and! age = person |> Required.Property.get("age", Required.int)
and! emails = person |> Required.Property.list("emails", Optional.string)
return {
Name = name |> Option.defaultValue "<missing name>"
Age = age
// Remove any optional value from the list
Emails = emails |> List.choose id
// Inconclusive data coming from the server
let person = """{"name": null, "age": 30, "emails": ["alice@name.com", "alice@age.com", null] }"""
let result: Result<ServerResponse, DecodeError> =
// ServerResponse will decode automatically while Person will use the custom decoder
$$"""{ "data": {{person}}, "message": "Success" }""",
// Include your own decoder
JsonSerializerOptions(PropertyNameCaseInsensitive = true) |> Codec.useDecoder personDecoder
match result with
| Ok person -> printfn $"Person: %A{person}"
| Error err -> printfn $"Error: %A{err}"
Nothing is done in the void, in this case I'd like to thank the following libraries for their inspiration and ideas:
- Thoth.Json for the inspiration and a cross-runtime solution to JSON decoding, compatible with F#, JS, and Python.
- FsToolkit.ErrorHandling for the general mechanism for dealing with Result types and Computation expressions