VS 2019 console, can be easily converted into Linux : just std:: and C++ 11/14 are used.
Input : pairs of x-y points, output : Jacobi poly. The code builds ortho poly approximation on points f(x). x must be monotonically increasing.
Parameter U is within [-1.0 .. +1.0] (which maps to [xmin..xmax]) everywhere.
Parameters alpha and beta define a type of Jacobi polynomial; the case alpha = beta = 0.0 corresponds to a Legendre poly. This case is common for approximation of most curves. But if you need to fit a curve y(x) with infinite derivatives at the ends, like a half circle, or an aerofoil surface, set alpha = beta = 0.5.
The trick is that actually f(x) / ((1 - x) ^ alpha) * (1 + x) ^ beta), not f(x), is approximated.
As the poly is orthogonal, it means that approximation coefs are calculated by integration. There are two ways to integrate : by numerical Gauss (set fit() parameter as GAUSSINT_8 for example) or by trapezoid rule (set OTHER_INTEGRATION).
Keep in mind that Gauss integration is built upon a single poly itself and it cannot well integrate curves of multiple bends. Use trapezoid rule for this, but it requires many points.
Keep in mind that a single poly is built upon the whole region and the poly degree must not be very high, say, up to 20; otherwise gamma function / factorial calculation problems will appear (no checks).
Test 1 : horizontal curve, Legendre poly (0.0,0.0) and Gauss integration
Accuracy 0.000000
Test 2 : horizontal curve, Legendre poly (0.0,0.0) and trapezoid integration, few points
Accuracy 0.000000
Test 3 : horizontal curve, Legendre poly (0.0,0.0) and trapezoid integration, many points
Accuracy 0.000000
Test 4 : half of circle, infinite derivative at ends, Legendre poly (0.0,0.0) and Gauss integration
Accuracy 0.384346
Test 5 : half of circle, infinite derivative at ends, use Jacoby poly (0.5,0.5) and Gauss integration
Accuracy 0.006320
Test 6 : fitting cos curve from 0 to 4 Pi. Legendre poly. Trapezoidal integration on many points
Accuracy 0.052173
Test 7 : fitting cos curve from 0 to 4 Pi. Legendre poly. Gauss integration on many points
Accuracy 0.052173