I just noticed a weird issue. I have a number of CRUD tests with dependencies: get some values necessary for item creation, then check if the item with the same name already exists, if so, delete the item, then create the item, do a couple of gets, do a patch, another get, and finally delete. It seems to work fine, if I have a pending account that I need to clean up, but if there is no cleanup account, then I skip the cleanup deletion step and even though the rest of the tests execute as expected (based on the logs), the icons of all of the subsequent tests show as non-tried:
In my particular case, only the Clean up existing non-employee acount
test must show as skipped. Other tests must show as either successful or failed (a couple of them failed). Here are the entries from the console log:
INFO: ✓ status == 200
INFO: ✓ sourcesJson isArray
INFO: ✓ sourcesJson.length == 1
INFO: ✓ sourcesJson[0].id isString
INFO: ✓ status == 200
INFO: ✓ status == 200
INFO: ✓ managersJson isArray
INFO: ✓ managersJson.length == 1
INFO: ✓ managersJson[0].id isString
INFO: ✓ status == 200
INFO: ✓ isString
INFO: ✓ accountJson.accountName == Alek.Davis.Test2
INFO: ✓ status == 200
INFO: ✓ nonEmployeeIdentitiesJson isArray
INFO: ✖ nonEmployeeIdentitiesJson.length > 0 (AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: nonEmployeeIdentitiesJson.length (0) > 0 - c:\Users\MYUSERNAME\.vscode\extensions\anweber.vscode-httpyac-6.14.0\dist\extension.js:192:46875)
INFO: ✖ nonEmployeeIdentitiesJson[0].id isString (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id') - Object.userJS (c:\PROJECTS\POC\Tests\Identities\identities-CRUD.http:115:49)
INFO: ✖ nonEmployeeIdentitiesJson[0].name == {{accountJson.accountName}} (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name') - Object.userJS (c:\PROJECTS\POC\Tests\Identities\identities-CRUD.http:116:49)
INFO: ✓ status == 200
INFO: ✓ validatedAccountsJson isArray
INFO: ✖ validatedAccountsJson.length > 0 (AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: validatedAccountsJson.length (0) > 0 - c:\Users\MYUSERNAME\.vscode\extensions\anweber.vscode-httpyac-6.14.0\dist\extension.js:192:46875)
INFO: ✖ validatedAccountsJson[0].id isString (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id') - Object.userJS (c:\PROJECTS\POC\Tests\Identities\identities-CRUD.http:134:45)
INFO: ✖ validatedAccountsJson[0].name == {{accountJson.accountName}} (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name') - Object.userJS (c:\PROJECTS\POC\Tests\Identities\identities-CRUD.http:135:45)
INFO: ✓ status == 200
INFO: ✓ patchedAccountJson.firstName == Alexander
INFO: ✓ ==
INFO: ✓ == +1 9166666666
INFO: ✓ status == 200
INFO: ✓ updatedAccountJson.firstName == Alexander
INFO: ✓ ==
INFO: ✓ == +1 9166666666
INFO: ✓ status == 204