"Cancelled on client" error in gRPC Client streaming RPC scenario #264
Followed the steps detailed in https://httpyac.github.io/guide/request.html?#client-streaming-rpc
But, getting "Cancelled on client" error in gRPC Client streaming RPC scenario. Am I missing something?
Thank you for sharing the helpful tool.
GRPC /BasicService/CalculateAverage
"value": 10
async function writeStream(){
await sleep(1000);
await $requestClient.send({
value: 20,
await sleep(1000);
await $requestClient.send({
value: 30
exports.waitPromise = writeStream();
syntax = "proto3";
package grpc_basics;
service BasicService {
// Client streaming RPC: CalculateAverage
rpc CalculateAverage (stream DataPoint) returns (AverageResponse);
message DataPoint {
double value = 1;
message AverageResponse {
double average = 1;
Code behind the service is provided below.
calculateAverage(call, callback) {
// Simulating client streaming by calculating the average of received data points
let totalSum = 0;
let count = 0;
call.on("data", (dataPoint) => {
console.log("data", dataPoint);
totalSum += dataPoint.value;
call.on("end", () => {
const average = count > 0 ? totalSum / count : 0;
const response = { average: average };
console.log("end", response);
callback(null, response);
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