@no-redirect directive does not seem to be honoured #171
Doing the # @no-redirect
sample call from the guide
# @no-redirect
GET https://httpbin.org/absolute-redirect/2
For me displays only the final exchange:
GET http://httpbin.org/get
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br
accept: */*
user-agent: httpyac
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
access-control-allow-credentials: true
access-control-allow-origin: *
connection: close
content-length: 313
content-type: application/json
date: Wed, 01 Feb 2023 09:34:08 GMT
server: gunicorn/19.9.0
Doing CURL shows it actually goes through two 302:
curl --location --head --silent https://httpbin.org/absolute-redirect/2 | grep --extended-regexp --ignore-case "^(HTTP|Location|$)"
HTTP/1.1 200 Connection established
HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND
Location: http://httpbin.org/absolute-redirect/1
HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND
Location: http://httpbin.org/get
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
So I'd expect to see not the final exchange with
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 313
but the first response with
HTTP/1.1 302 FOUND
Location: http://httpbin.org/absolute-redirect/1
in VSCode HTTPYac.
Am I correct or is there something else to set to see the first "redirecting" response?
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