This project demonstrates how to perform inference using ONNX models with CUDA acceleration in C++. The project uses ONNX Runtime, OpenCV, and CUDA to process images and run inference on them.
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Usage
- Project Structure
- Details about Inference and CUDA
- Contributing
- License
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- CMake (version 3.18 or higher)
- ONNX Runtime (version 1.18.1)
- OpenCV with CUDA support
- CUDA Toolkit (version 12.x)
- cuDNN (version 9.x)
- Visual Studio (for Windows users)
git clone
cd onnxInference
Modify the paths in CMakeLists.txt to match your local setup:
set(ONNXRUNTIME_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/onnxruntime/include")
set(OPENCV_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/opencv_cuda/include")
set(OPENCV_LIBRARY_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/opencv_cuda/x64/vc17/lib")
set(CUDA_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cuda/v12.4/include")
set(CUDA_LIBRARY_DIR "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/cuda/v12.4/lib/x64")
Create a build directory and run CMake:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
Prepare Models and Test Images
Ensure your ONNX models and test images are placed in the appropriate directories as specified in main.cpp:
std::string modelsPath = "D:/Temp/trainModel/models";
std::string modelPathLowRes = modelsPath + "/segmentation_model_320x288.onnx";
std::string modelPathHighRes = modelsPath + "/segmentation_model_640x576.onnx";
std::string testImageFolder = "D:/Temp/trainModel/test_images/";
Execute the program with optional high-resolution and GPU flags:
./onnxInference [--high-res] [--use-gpu]
The program will display the predicted masks and overlapped images. Press ESC to exit.
- CMakeLists.txt: Configuration file for CMake.
- main.cpp: Contains the main function that processes images and runs inference.
- onnxInference.h: Header file for the ONNXInference class.
- onnxInference.cpp: Implementation of the ONNXInference class.
ONNX Runtime is a cross-platform, high-performance scoring engine for Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) models. It enables the acceleration of machine learning inferencing across various hardware configurations.
In this project:
- The ONNX model is loaded using Ort::Session.
- Inference is run using session.Run().
- Input preprocessing involves resizing and normalizing images.
- Output postprocessing involves thresholding and resizing the output to match the input image size.
CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) is a parallel computing platform and application programming interface (API) model created by NVIDIA. It allows developers to use NVIDIA GPUs for general-purpose processing.
In this project:
- CUDA is used to accelerate the inference process.
- OrtCUDAProviderOptions is configured to enable CUDA as the execution provider in ONNX Runtime.
- The ONNXRuntime session is configured to use CUDA for running inference, which significantly improves performance on compatible hardware.
This method handles the entire process of:
- Preprocessing the input image (resizing, normalizing).
- Creating an input tensor suitable for the ONNX model.
- Running the inference using ONNX Runtime with CUDA support.
- Postprocessing the output (thresholding, resizing).
This method logs GPU properties such as:
- Device name
- Total global memory
- Shared memory per block
- Number of multiprocessors
- Clock rate, etc. Logging these properties helps in understanding the capabilities and performance characteristics of the GPU being used.
Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for any changes. Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
- Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
- Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
- Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.