Releases: AmigoCap/ReViVD
Releases · AmigoCap/ReViVD
ReViVD 1.0.2
ReViVD 1.0.1
Fixed a few bugs and made error messages much clearer when loading bad .json files.
Initial release 🎉
Initial release of ReViVD!
After a year of development, we are proud to release the first public build of ReViVD!
This release most notably features the ability for users to use their own datasets through custom .json descriptor files. A documented example of such a file is included in the project, though no dataset will be published on this GitHub (yet) for legal reasons.
See the ReViVD website for more information on the project.
Installation instructions
Requirements: SteamVR
Extract the archive and launch ReViVD.exe after ensuring that Windows Mixed Reality loaded properly when you plugged in your headset.