Simple command-line tool that stores and randomizes any number of elements written in python for the linux command line.
Currently there are no plans for windows or mac support.
Each element is a part of a particular group which the user has to create when using the program for the first time. Then any other operations are done on elements which are a part of these groups.
usage: 'program name' 'operation' 'input parameters'(separated by space)
help, 0 input parameters:
prints help message
add-group, 1 input parameter -> 'name of group':
creates a new group to add your randomizable elements, for example: add-group art
add-elements, 2 or more input parameters -> 'group name' 'element 1' 'element 2' ... 'element n':
adds any number of elements to a pre-existing group
show-groups, no input parameters:
show current existing groups
show-elements, 1 input parameter -> 'group name':
shows elements of a group non-randomized
delete-group, 1 input parameter -> 'group name':
deletes an existing group, WARNING All elements related to the group will be removed forever
delete-element, 2 input parameters -> 'group name' 'element':
deletes an element from a particular group
pull-random, 2 input parameters -> 'group name' 'number of elements desired as an integer':
pulls n number of random elements from one particular group
Groups are in basic terms just names for files in the system. When creating a group, a csv file will be created wth elements of each groups being appended to these files along with an id assigned to them. The first row of the csv files is "id, element".
By default, these files are stored in ~/.config/randimania/groups/ directory in source file and should be in use only by the program. Meaning no addition or removal or any other sort of edits should be done to these files manually and the program should handle everything by itself.
Project's directory structure is this: inside the src directory, there is the script, which is the main program script. There are also the tests and modules directories. tests is delegated to unit tests and modules contains the main functionality of the program and is a package.
The modules package contains help, parse, and core modules.
----help has function that displays a help message on screen
----parse contains the parser() function that parses command-line arguments and accesses core functions to perform needed tasks.
----core contains core functionality of the program. pulling random elements, writing and reading from csv files, etc... script calls parser, while parser can access core functions to perform the required function and then return back to caller. Suffice it to say, any error handling takes place inside the script, after any exceptions are raised and through the core or parser modules reach the main.