We all know the humanity comprises of 50% of the fairer sex. But the same is facing some issues which either they are not very well aware of or even if they are they don't know the way out. And that problem is domestic violence. As a good Samaritans, you have to make an app,
- Which let females know about what domestic violence is
- Rules and regulations which can safeguard their interest
- Some emergency buttons which can ask for quick help from the police/family members in case of dangers (in terms of chat or call 100)
We selected this problem as this has been a long silent issue. However, we all are aware of it and don't take any action. We also believe that women deserve equal respect.
To tackle the problem selected we made an app that provides these features:
Our app is disguised as any other normal app( that's why it's named as the everyday app ).
We provided sections of daily articles and community posts so that women can see other women and become aware of the violence they are facing.
We also provided educational content through our app so that women can be sure if they are facing violence and if they are then how to report it.
We also gave a chat with the community section whereby the women can talk and discuss their issues with other women.
Nearby Shelters: The women can find temporary shelters if the situation is too bad.
On the home screen we gave a call button so that the call can be made without any delay in case of emergency.
- Welcome Screen
- Home Page
- Post Detail Page
- Education Page
- Rules Page
- Nearyby Shelters Page
- Chat with Community Page
- Call Page
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Watch the working video here
In order to set up the project, please follow below steps:
- Install package dependencies:
flutter pub get
- Run the project by running command:
flutter run
- Use one of these commands to build the project:
flutter build ios
flutter build apk
flutter build appbundle
- If any issue (run the below command to troubleshoot):
flutter doctor
For help getting started with Flutter, check online documentation, which offers great tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference. If you run into any issue or question, feel free to reach out to us via email asterjoules@gmail.com.
- feature_discovery
- flutter_svg
- google_fonts
- mdi
- Aman Negi (Developer) : asterjoules@gmail.com
- Aman Rubey (Developer): aman.rubey@gmail.com