Samba de Amigo is a rhythm game developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. There are versions for arcade machines, Dreamcast and Wii consoles.
Samba de Amigo: Ver. 2000 was released for the Dreamcast only in Japan, including 20 new songs and new playing modes.
Here you'll find information and tools to help you mod "Samba de Amigo: Ver. 2000" for the Dreamcast, such as adding English translations and custom songs. This can put your old maracas to good use again! :)
- Description of all files in the Samba de Amigo ver. 2000 GDI image (including Japanese to English translations).
- Description of the .AMG ("Amigo") file format.
-, a console script to dump, analyse & convert Amigo files. It also allows you to import Wii songs into a Dreamcast GDI image, and (in the future) might help you translate the game from Japanese to English.
- Kaitai Struct files (.ksy) describing the Amigo .AMG file format for Samba de Amigo ver. 2000 (Dreamcast) and for the Wii. I also provided the "compiled" parsers in Python (currently only for reading).
- Create GUI Python script to simplify GDI modding:
- Include gditools Python library to manipulate GDI images.
- Include / port other libraries to manipulate sound & image files.
- Create option to enable "downloaded" songs (saving time & VMU space).
- Create option to change save file name (so you can have a save for each pack of songs).
- Create an Amigo file viewer / editor ( is more than halfway there).
- Enable (semi-)automatic importing / conversion of songs from:
- Wii version ( already does this)
- Shakatto Tambourine (Naomi)
- MiniMoni. Shakatto Tambourine! Dapyon! (PS)
- StepMania, etc.