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Altinn 3 app frontend

React SPA used by applications developed in altinn-studio. The application consists of several different features, and is responsible for presenting the UI for different steps in the workflow of an Altinn application, and interacting with the altinn app-template.


Node and Corepack

  • Latest Node LTS release
  • Enable corepack (execute corepack enable from a terminal after installing Node 16.9.0 or later)

This project is using yarn instead of the default npm CLI. This means that you should execute package.json scripts with yarn instead of npm. F.ex instead of npm run test you should execute yarn run test. With yarn, the run keyword is optional, so you can also execute yarn test.

Setup Github PAT Token

We are currently using Github registry to publish packages. This means you need to setup a PAT (Personal Access Token) on your machine.

  • Acquire a GitHub PAT. The only permission you need to grant is read:packages.
  • Assign the PAT to the GITHUB_PACKAGES_PAT environment variable:
    • Mac/Linux: add the line export GITHUB_PACKAGES_PAT=<PAT> to the ~/.bash_profile file and restart the terminal
    • Windows: Execute setx GITHUB_PACKAGES_PAT <PAT> /m and restart the terminal

If you are using z shell (default on macOS since v10.15 Catalina), you need to update the ~/.zshrc file instead of file ~/.bash_profile or ~/.profile..

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Clone the Altinn app-frontend-react repo and navigate to the folder.

git clone
cd app-frontend-react

Developing app-frontend

You need an Altinn app to effectively make changes to the app-frontend codebase. To serve the development version of app-frontend code, you need to make some changes to views/Home/Index.cshtml in the app repo you are using:


<script src=""></script>


<script src="http://localhost:8080/altinn-app-frontend.js"></script>

This will make the browser request the files from the local development server. The development server can be started by following these steps:

  • Navigate to ./src/altinn-app-frontend
  • yarn --immutable (only needed when package.json has changed)
  • yarn start (to start the development server)

In addition, you need to serve the app from somewhere. There are two ways of doing this, either deploy the application via Altinn Studio, or run the app locally on your machine.

Using applications that are deployed via Altinn Studio

After you make the changes to the views/Home/Index.cshtml file as mentioned above, you need to deploy the application. When accessing the application, it should now be using the app-frontend code that is served from http://localhost:8080.

Using apps running locally on your machine

If you prefer to run the application locally (useful if you also want to make rapid changes to the application itself), you also need to clone Altinn Studio repository, and follow the steps in the documentation.

Code style

We use eslint and prettier, and automatically set up git hooks to enforce these on commits. To avoid confusion, it is recommended to set this up your IDE.

Visual Studio Code

Install the eslint extension from the marketplace.

WebStorm and IntelliJ IDEA

Configure your IDE to run eslint --fix on save (prettier will also reformat your code when doing this). It is also recommended to set up Prettier as the default formatter.

Running tests

End to end tests

End to end tests are using Cypress, see test readme for how to run these.

Unit tests and lint rules

Unit tests are written using Jest and React testing library. Lint rules are defined with eslint.

Lint checks

  1. Navigate to the folder ./src.
  2. Execute yarn --immutable. This step is only nescessary if you have not already done it, or when package.json changes.
  3. Execute yarn run lint.

Unit tests

  1. Navigate to the folder ./src.
  2. Execute yarn --immutable. This step is only nescessary if you have not already done it, or when package.json changes.
  3. Execute yarn run test.


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License - see the file for details.