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port the old BoxLib faverage tool to AMReX (AMReX-Codes#3293)
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this can compute the lateral average (optionally density weighted) of a
variable from a plotfile. It assumes that the vertical direction is the
last dimension.
  • Loading branch information
zingale authored May 4, 2023
1 parent 0916f68 commit c2f49bf
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Showing 2 changed files with 309 additions and 0 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions Docs/sphinx_documentation/source/Post_Processing.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -295,4 +295,24 @@ Typing ``./fextrema.gnu.ex`` without inputs will bring up usage and options.
0.03 1 2.349724636 8.277319027e-17 1.157052145 8.277319027e-17 1.156713078 0.03595941273 1 8.277319027e-17 0.4924203149 8.277319027e-17 0.4922760141 0.01530367099 1 -0.005172583789 0.005172583789 -0.005172583789 0.005172583789 -0.005287367803 0.005287367803 -0.005287367803 0.005287367803 -0.004924487345 0.05687549245

Compute the lateral average of a variable in a plotfile, with optional
density weighting. For 2-d, a profile :math:`f(y)` is returned where
the average was done over :math:`x`. For 3-d, a profile :math:`f(z)`
is returned where the average was done over :math:`x` and :math:`y`.

**How to build and run**

In ``amrex/Tools/Plotfile``, type ``make programs=faverage`` and then ``./faverage.gnu.ex`` to run.
Typing ``./faverage.gnu.ex`` without inputs will bring up usage and options.


.. code-block:: console
user@:~/AMReX/amrex/Tools/Plotfile$ ./faverage.gnu.ex -v density plt0000000
will compute the average density as a function of height, outputting a data file
289 changes: 289 additions & 0 deletions Tools/Plotfile/faverage.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
// Laterally average a variable with optional density weighting (Favre average)

#include <iostream>
// #include <stringstream>
#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <AMReX_PlotFileUtil.H>
#include <AMReX_MultiFabUtil.H>
#include <AMReX_ParallelDescriptor.H>

using namespace amrex;

std::string inputs_name = "";

void PrintHelp ();

int main(int argc, char* argv[])

amrex::Initialize(argc, argv, false);


// timer for profiling
BL_PROFILE_VAR("main()", pmain);

// Input arguments
std::string varname{"density"};
bool do_favre{false};

const int narg = amrex::command_argument_count();

int farg = 1;
while (farg <= narg) {
const std::string& name = amrex::get_command_argument(farg);
if (name == "-v" || name == "--variable") {
varname = amrex::get_command_argument(++farg);
} else if (name == "-f" || name == "--favre") {
do_favre = true;
} else {

if (farg > narg) {
amrex::Print() << "\n"
<< " Report the extrema (min/max) for each variable in a plotfile\n"
<< " usage: \n"
<< " faverage {[-v|--variable] name} {[-f|--favre]} plotfile\n"
<< "\n"
<< " -v name : variable to average (default: density)\n"
<< " -f : do Favre (density-weighted) average\n"
<< std::endl;

const std::string& pltfile = amrex::get_command_argument(farg);
std::string slcfile = pltfile + ".slice";

PlotFileData pf(pltfile);

int fine_level = pf.finestLevel();
const int dim = pf.spaceDim();

// get the index bounds and dx.
Box domain = pf.probDomain(fine_level);
auto dx_fine = pf.cellSize(fine_level);
auto problo = pf.probLo();
auto probhi = pf.probHi();

// compute the size of the radially-binned array -- we'll take the
// vertical direction to be the dimensionality

int nbins = static_cast<int>(std::abs(probhi[dim-1] - problo[dim-1]) / dx_fine[dim-1]);

// height coordinate
Vector<Real> h(nbins);

for (auto i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
h[i] = (i + 0.5) * dx_fine[dim-1];

// find variable indices
const Vector<std::string>& var_names_pf = pf.varNames();

// density can be call "density" in Castro or "rho" in MAESTROeX
int dens_comp = std::distance(var_names_pf.cbegin(),
std::find(var_names_pf.cbegin(), var_names_pf.cend(), "density"));

if (dens_comp == var_names_pf.size()) {
dens_comp = std::distance(var_names_pf.cbegin(),
std::find(var_names_pf.cbegin(), var_names_pf.cend(), "rho"));

if (dens_comp == var_names_pf.size()) {
amrex::Error("density not found");

int var_comp = std::distance(var_names_pf.cbegin(),
std::find(var_names_pf.cbegin(), var_names_pf.cend(), varname));

if (var_comp == var_names_pf.size()) {
amrex::Error("variable " + varname + " not found");

// allocate storage for data
Vector<Real> var_bin(nbins, 0.);
Vector<Real> volcount(nbins, 0.);

// we will use a mask that tells us if a zone on the current level
// is covered by data on a finer level.

for (int ilev = 0; ilev <= fine_level; ++ilev) {

Array<Real, AMREX_SPACEDIM> dx_level = pf.cellSize(ilev);
Real vol = dx_level[0];
if (dim >= 2) {
vol *= dx_level[1];
if (dim == 3) {
vol *= dx_level[2];

if (ilev < fine_level) {
IntVect ratio{pf.refRatio(ilev)};
for (int idim = dim; idim < AMREX_SPACEDIM; ++idim) {
ratio[idim] = 1;
const iMultiFab mask = makeFineMask(pf.boxArray(ilev), pf.DistributionMap(ilev),
pf.boxArray(ilev+1), ratio);

const MultiFab& lev_data_mf = pf.get(ilev);

for (MFIter mfi(lev_data_mf); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
const Box& bx = mfi.validbox();
if (bx.ok()) {
const auto& m = mask.array(mfi);
const auto& fab = lev_data_mf.array(mfi);
const auto lo = amrex::lbound(bx);
const auto hi = amrex::ubound(bx);

for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {
if (m(i,j,k) == 0) { // not covered by fine

Real height{0.0};
if (dim == 1) {
height = problo[0] + static_cast<Real>(i+0.5)*dx_level[0];
} else if (dim == 2) {
height = problo[1] + static_cast<Real>(j+0.5)*dx_level[1];
} else {
height = problo[2] + static_cast<Real>(k+0.5)*dx_level[2];

int index = static_cast<int>(height / dx_fine[dim-1]);

// add to the bin, weighting by the size

if (do_favre) {
var_bin[index] += fab(i,j,k,dens_comp) * fab(i,j,k,var_comp) * vol;
volcount[index] += fab(i,j,k,dens_comp) * vol;
} else {
var_bin[index] += fab(i,j,k,var_comp) * vol;
volcount[index] += vol;

} // mask


} // bx.ok()

} // MFIter

} else {
// this is the finest level

const MultiFab& lev_data_mf = pf.get(ilev);

for (MFIter mfi(lev_data_mf); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
const Box& bx = mfi.validbox();
if (bx.ok()) {
const auto& fab = lev_data_mf.array(mfi);
const auto lo = amrex::lbound(bx);
const auto hi = amrex::ubound(bx);

for (int k = lo.z; k <= hi.z; ++k) {
for (int j = lo.y; j <= hi.y; ++j) {
for (int i = lo.x; i <= hi.x; ++i) {

Real height{0.0};
if (dim == 1) {
height = problo[0] + static_cast<Real>(i+0.5)*dx_level[0];
} else if (dim == 2) {
height = problo[1] + static_cast<Real>(j+0.5)*dx_level[1];
} else {
height = problo[2] + static_cast<Real>(k+0.5)*dx_level[2];

int index = static_cast<int>(height / dx_fine[dim-1]);

// add to the bin, weighting by the size

if (do_favre) {
var_bin[index] += fab(i,j,k,dens_comp) * fab(i,j,k,var_comp) * vol;
volcount[index] += fab(i,j,k,dens_comp) * vol;
} else {
var_bin[index] += fab(i,j,k,var_comp) * vol;
volcount[index] += vol;


} // bx.ok()

} // MFIter


} // level loop

ParallelDescriptor::ReduceRealSum(, static_cast<int>(var_bin.size()));
ParallelDescriptor::ReduceRealSum(, static_cast<int>(volcount.size()));


for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
if (volcount[i] != 0.0) {
var_bin[i] /= volcount[i];

// now open the slicefile and write out the data
amrex::Print() << "outputting lateral average of " << varname << " to " << slcfile << std::endl;

std::ofstream slicefile;;
const auto w = 24;

// write the header
slicefile << "# " << std::setw(w) << "height" << std::setw(w) << varname << std::endl;

// write the data in columns
const auto SMALL = 1.e-20;
for (auto i = 0; i < nbins; i++) {
if (std::abs(var_bin[i]) < SMALL) var_bin[i] = 0.0;

slicefile << std::setw(w) << h[i] << std::setw(w) << var_bin[i] << std::endl;


// destroy timer for profiling



// Print usage info
void PrintHelp ()
Print() << "\nusage: executable_name args"
<< "\nargs [-p|--pltfile] plotfile : plot file directory (required)"
<< "\n [-s|--slicefile] slice file : slice file (required)"
<< "\n [--sphr] spherical : spherical problem"
<< "\n\n" << std::endl;


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