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Al-Hagh-J edited this page Sep 23, 2024 · 1 revision

Welcome to the RL-PSO-Unity-4DOF-Arm Wiki!

RL-PSO-Unity-4DOF-Arm is a simulation project that integrates Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) for controlling a 4 Degrees of Freedom (4DOF) robotic arm within the Unity environment. This project showcases advanced AI-based trajectory planning and motion control techniques, including obstacle avoidance, minimum effort and time penalties, and precision penalties to ensure efficient and accurate performance. The 4DOF robotic arm is trained to navigate complex environments and execute precise movements, achieving optimal performance through a hybrid approach of RL and PSO algorithms. Ideal for researchers and developers interested in robotics, control systems, and AI-driven solutions for dynamic and challenging scenarios.

Compatible with Unity 2023.


Class: FourLinkRobot

Method: Update

The Update method is invoked every frame, ensuring that the robot’s kinematics are updated continuously based on the current joint angles. The method calls CalculateKinematics, which computes the forward kinematics for each joint and link.

Method: CalculateKinematics

This method is responsible for calculating the position and orientation of each link using forward kinematics. The key formula used is the transformation matrix that defines the relationship between consecutive links. The method first calculates the base rotation and then propagates this transformation through each joint, updating the position and rotation of the links accordingly.


Joint1.transform.position = Base.transform.position + Base.transform.up * linkLength;


The position and velocity of each particle are updated using the following equations:

V_new = w * V_old + c1 * r1 * (p_best - X) + c2 * r2 * (g_best - X)

X_new = X_old + V_new


w: Inertia weight

c1, c2: Cognitive and social coefficients

r1, r2: Random values between 0 and 1

p_best: Personal best position

g_best: Global best position

Class PSOManager:

Method: Start

The Start method initializes the PSO process by validating the target position and creating an instance of the RA_PSO class. This is crucial for ensuring that the optimization has a valid target to aim for.

Method: Run

The Run method in RA_PSO manages the main PSO loop, where particles are evaluated based on their fitness, and their velocities and positions are updated accordingly. The fitness function combines several penalties to ensure that the robot avoids collisions and reaches its target efficiently.

Class RA_PSO:

Method: FitnessFunction

The fitness function in PSO evaluates how well a given set of joint angles moves the robot to its target. It consists of several penalties:

fitness = positionPenalty + rotationPenalty + overfittingPenalty + movementPenalty + timePenalty + collisionPenaltyValue

Variables and Parameters in RA_PSO

General Parameters


Description: The number of particles in the swarm.

Purpose: A higher number of particles allows for better exploration of the solution space, but increases computational time.

Typical Value: 1000 particles.


**Description: **The maximum number of iterations for the PSO algorithm.

Purpose: Determines how long the PSO will search for an optimal solution. More iterations increase the likelihood of finding a better solution but require more computation.

Typical Value: 100000 iterations (can be reduced for hardware limitations).


Description: A threshold value for fitness, below which the algorithm stops.

Purpose: Enables early stopping if a sufficiently good solution is found.

Typical Value: 1.0 (indicating that fitness values below this are considered optimal).

Penalty Weights in Fitness Function


Description: Weight for the penalty on positional errors.

**Purpose: **Scales the penalty applied based on how far the robot's end-effector is from the target position. A higher weight increases the importance of positional accuracy in the fitness evaluation.

Typical Value: 1.0 (normalizes the position penalty).


Description: Weight for the penalty on rotation errors.

Purpose: Scales the penalty based on how much the end-effector's orientation deviates from the target orientation. A higher value makes orientation accuracy more important.

Typical Value: 10 (suggesting that rotation accuracy is crucial in this application).


Description: Weight for the penalty on joint overfitting.

Purpose: Prevents the robot from making large, unnecessary joint movements that could result in inefficient paths.

Typical Value: 1.0 (moderate overfitting penalty).


Description: Weight for penalizing large joint movements between consecutive iterations.

Purpose: Encourages the robot to move its joints smoothly, avoiding drastic changes between consecutive configurations.

Typical Value: 1.0 (ensures balanced movement).


Description: Weight for penalizing long transition times between joint configurations.

Purpose: Encourages faster movement between positions, while avoiding large unnecessary movements.

Typical Value: 1.0 (suggesting moderate priority on minimizing time).


Description: A large penalty for collisions between the robot and obstacles.

Purpose: Discourages configurations where any part of the robot collides with obstacles.

Typical Value: 1,000,000 (a large value to strongly penalize any collision).

Other Key Variables


Description: The best set of joint angles found across all particles and iterations.

Purpose: This is the optimal solution for the robot's joint angles based on all iterations and particles.


Description: The fitness value associated with globalBestPosition.

Purpose: The lower the globalBestFitness, the better the solution. This value indicates how well the best solution performs in terms of the objective.


Description: A list storing the best positions of the swarm for every iteration.

Purpose: Used for visualization, showing the progress of the PSO algorithm over time.


Description: The final computed position of the robot's end-effector after the optimization process.

Purpose: Provides the last computed end-effector position based on the global best joint angles.


Description: The final computed rotation of the robot’s end-effector.

Purpose: Stores the final orientation of the end-effector after optimization.


Description: An array of Particle objects representing each possible solution in the swarm.

Purpose: Each particle stores its current position, velocity, best-known position, and fitness value. Particles update their velocities and positions at each iteration based on PSO rules.

Collision Avoidance

Collision avoidance is handled by checking intermediate joint configurations for collisions with obstacles. The method CheckForIntermediateCollisions interpolates between joint configurations to ensure that no collisions occur along the robot’s path.


The visualization system updates the robot’s joint angles in real-time based on the results from PSO. The RobotVisualization script handles the interpolation between joint angles to ensure smooth transitions between movements.