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Handy utils for reversing android apps in JEB


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Set of JEB plugins and scripts for better Android reversing experience.



  1. Copy jeb.jar and swt.jar from $JEB_HOME/bin/app to libs/runtime/
  2. Use ./gradlew jar to build a flat jar. It will be stored on build/libs/JebOps-VERSION.jar


  1. Copy the flat jar to $JEB_HOME/coreplugins/
  2. Copy The following scripts from src/main/python to $JEB_HOME/scripts:
    • (not a script, but a dependency of both scripts)
  3. Restart JEB


One time plugins

This kind of plugin are supposed to run only once per project. In order to run them, Go to "File" menu, select "Plugins" , Then "Execute an engine plugin". Now, choose the plugin you want to run.

Dynamic plugins

Currently, the project has only one dynamic plugin: rename from constant arg. It can be launched in two ways:

  1. Use the shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+U" while selecting a method. Then, choose the plugin like you choose a one time plugin.
  2. Use the shortcut "Ctrl+Alt+L" while selecting a method.


The project comes with some handy scripts you can use.

Naming convention

The naming convention of the plugin is original__Reason_NewName. For example, it may convert axu to axu__A_SettingsUtils.


If the plugin supports running on a specific class/method, you can use "Ctrl+Alt+U" to select the method, before launching the plugin.


Obfuscation will rename private fields, getters and setters. However, if the class has an informative toString() method, those names could be restored. The one time plugin ToString renaming could be used to automate the task.

Running the plugin on Twitter apk using i7-4770 took 30s, yielding:

 Classes: 826 Methods: 1531
 Fields: 2421



public final class a01 {
    private final TextView a;
    private final CharSequence b;
    private final int c;
    private final int d;
    private final int e;

    public int a() {
        return this.e;

    public String toString() {
        return "TextViewTextChangeEvent(view=" + this.a + ", text=" + this.b + ", start=" + this.c + ", before=" + this.d + ", count=" + this.e + ")";


public final class a01__TS_TextViewTextChangeEvent {
    private final TextView a__TS_view;
    private final CharSequence b__TS_text;
    private final int c__TS_start;
    private final int d__TS_before;
    private final int e__TS_count;

    public int a__TS_getCount() {
        return this.e__TS_count;

    public String toString() {
        return "TextViewTextChangeEvent(view=" + this.a__TS_view + ", text=" + this.b__TS_text + ", start=" + this.c__TS_start + ", before=" + this.d__TS_before + ", count=" + this.e__TS_count + ")";


Enum's constructor signature is <init>(String name, int index). All the possible enum values are public static final fields of the enum class. However, after obfuscation, the field's name might change, and JEB sometimes fail to use the name from the constructor. The one time plugin Enum field renaming could be used to automate the task.

Running the plugin on Twitter apk using i7-4770 took 15s, yielding:

 Classes: 805 Fields: 3719



// The enumeration is rendered as-is instead of being sugared into a Java 5 enum.
static final class b extends Enum {
    public  final enum b U

    public  final enum b V

    public  final enum b W

    public  final enum b X

    private static final b[] Y;

    static {
        b v0 = new b("NONE", 0);
        b.U = v0;
        b v1 = new b("START", 1);
        b.V = v1;
        b v3 = new b("END", 2);
        b.W = v3;
        b v5 = new b("CENTER", 3);
        b.X = v5;
        b.Y = new b[]{v0, v1, v3, v5};


static final class b__T_Enum extends Enum {
    public final enum b__T_Enum U__E_NONE

    public final enum b__T_Enum V__E_START

    public final enum b__T_Enum W__E_END

    public final enum b__T_Enum X__E_CENTER

    private static final b__T_Enum[] Y;


Android app use R.type.resourceName to reference resources from Java code. Obfuscation may:

  1. inline the const ints into the code
  2. Rename the classes and fields

The one time plugin Resources name restore could be used to restore the names. It does that by:

  1. Create a fake R class, and replace constant in the decompiled view with reference to fake field.
  2. Rename the static fields.

Running the plugin on Twitter apk using i7-4770 took 15s, yielding:

 Fields: 9454



public final class p8 {
    public static final int A = 0x7F0A00B4;  // id:advertiser_avatar
    public static final int A0 = 0x7F0A0154;  // id:birdwatch_indicator
    public static final int A1 = 0x7F0A022A;  // id:caret
    public static final int A2 = 0x7F0A0335;  // id:crop
    public static final int A3 = 0x7F0A03D3;  // id:dock
    public static final int A4 = 0x7F0A0493;  // id:favorite
    public static final int A5 = 0x7F0A0560;  // id:gallery_header_trash
    public static final int A6 = 0x7F0A0623;  // id:interstitial_view_stub
    public static final int A7 = 0x7F0A073D;  // id:menu_ads_companion
    public static final int A8 = 0x7F0A07CD;  // id:namespace_text
    public static final int A9 = 0x7F0A0891;  // id:pin_list_button
    public static final int Aa = 0x7F0A093D;  // id:ptr_overlay_bg
    public static final int Ab = 0x7F0A09F8;  // id:scroll_view
    // ...


public final class p8 {
    public static final int A__R_advertiser_avatar = 0x7F0A00B4;  // id:advertiser_avatar
    public static final int A0__R_birdwatch_indicator = 0x7F0A0154;  // id:birdwatch_indicator
    public static final int A1__R_caret = 0x7F0A022A;  // id:caret
    public static final int A2__R_crop = 0x7F0A0335;  // id:crop
    public static final int A3__R_dock = 0x7F0A03D3;  // id:dock
    public static final int A4__R_favorite = 0x7F0A0493;  // id:favorite
    public static final int A5__R_gallery_header_trash = 0x7F0A0560;  // id:gallery_header_trash
    public static final int A6__R_interstitial_view_stub = 0x7F0A0623;  // id:interstitial_view_stub
    public static final int A7__R_menu_ads_companion = 0x7F0A073D;  // id:menu_ads_companion
    public static final int A8__R_namespace_text = 0x7F0A07CD;  // id:namespace_text
    public static final int A9__R_pin_list_button = 0x7F0A0891;  // id:pin_list_button
    public static final int Aa__R_ptr_overlay_bg = 0x7F0A093D;  // id:ptr_overlay_bg
    public static final int Ab__R_scroll_view = 0x7F0A09F8;  // id:scroll_view

Const arg renaming

Modern code contains a lot of references to the real variable name. Few examples are:

  1. Call to log: Log.e("ResUtils", "Failed to run")
  2. Assertions: Preconditions.notNull(activity, "activity")
  3. Dict retrieve: conditions = jsonObject.get("conditions")

Const arg renaming plugin can be used to automate the renaming task. select the method you want to use as source for renaming, and press "Ctrl+Alt+L". You will have to supply the following details:

  1. What is going to get renamed: class, method, asignee, another argument or custom target
  2. What is the index of the const argument that is the name. (0-based)
  3. (Optional) if you choose argument, what is the index of the other argument you want to rename. (0-based)

Then, the plugin will go over all the xrefs of the method, and if the name argument is constant, it will be used as name.


One can have a custom scheme to convert the constant argument to names. You will be asked to supply a python file.


# tag will be the constant argument from the call
tag = "..."  


# Initialize one of the following variables
cls = "New class name"
method = "New method name"
assignee = "New assignee name"
argument = "New argument name"

Note that if you use argument, you should supply the argument index in the dialog.

There are 2 predefined functions you can use:

def split2(s, sep, at_least):
    '''Split the string using separator. Result array will be at least the given length.'''
    arr = s.split(sep)
    return arr + [""] * (at_least - len(arr))

def underscore_to_camelcase(word):
    return ''.join(x.capitalize() or '_' for x in word.split('_'))

For example, for Intent::getExtra you can use: assignee = underscore_to_camelcase(tag.split(".")[-1])

Mass renaming

In order to automate the task, you can use the plugin Const arg mass renaming plugin to run the renaming on multiple function at the same time. You need to create a file with the following format:

# You can use "#" for comments
TARGET SIGNATURE CONST_ARG_INDEX [custom script path] [renamed argument index]


  • target in {Class, Method, Argument, Assignee, Custom}
  • signature is a dex method signature. for example: "Lcom/yoavst/test/TestClass;->doStuff(Ljava/lang/String;) Ljava/lang/String;"
  • custom script path is a path relative to the signatures file, or a resource from jar, written as Currently, the available built-in renamers are:
    • - supports the case of var = get("LONG.DOT.SEPARATED.NAME.NOTIFICATION_TITLE")
    • - supports the case of set("LONG.DOT.SEPARATED.NAME.NOTIFICATION_TITLE", var)
    • - supports the case of log("CLASSNAME MAYBE_METHODNAME", ...)

The project comes with a builtin list, supporting: Intent, Bundle, ContentValues, org.json and shared preferences. It doesn't support external libraries because they would probably be obfuscated.

# ...
Custom Landroid/os/Bundle;->get(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; 0
Custom Landroid/os/Bundle;->getBinder(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/os/IBinder; 0
# ...

Running the mass renaming plugin, using built-in list, on Twitter apk using i7-4770 took 100s, yielding:

 Classes: 295 Methods: 95
 Fields: 281 Identifiers: 1272


private static Float d(Intent arg3){
        int v0=arg3.getIntExtra("level",-1);
        int v3=arg3.getIntExtra("scale",-1);
        return v0==-1||v3==-1?null:((float)(((float)v0)/((float)v3)));


private static Float d(Intent arg3){
        int __A_Level=arg3.getIntExtra("level",-1);
        int __A_Scale=arg3.getIntExtra("scale",-1);
        return __A_Level==-1||__A_Scale==-1?null:((float)(((float)__A_Level)/((float)__A_Scale)));

Getters and setters renamers

A common case not covered by the previous method is getters & setters. We provide a plugin that uses same infrastructure as the previous plugins, but searches for methods of the form getX() and setY(param). It will rename the asignee and argument as expected.


Running the GetX plugin, on Twitter apk using i7-4770 took 180s, yielding:

 Fields: 1067 Identifiers: 10261


ComponentName v0_1=MediaButtonReceiver.getServiceComponentByAction(arg4,"");
        BroadcastReceiver.PendingResult v1=this.goAsync();
        Context v3=arg4.getApplicationContext();
        MediaButtonConnectionCallback v2=new MediaButtonConnectionCallback(v3,arg5,v1);
        MediaBrowserCompat v4=new MediaBrowserCompat(v3,v0_1,v2,null);


ComponentName v0_1=MediaButtonReceiver.getServiceComponentByAction(arg4,"");
        BroadcastReceiver.PendingResult v1=this.goAsync();
        Context __A_applicationContext=arg4.getApplicationContext();
        MediaButtonConnectionCallback v2=new MediaButtonConnectionCallback(__A_applicationContext,arg5,v1);
        MediaBrowserCompat __A_mediaBrowser=new MediaBrowserCompat(__A_applicationContext,v0_1,v2,null);

Source file name

Sometimes the dex contains as a metadata, the source file name for some classes. JEB by default does not show it for smali view, and never shows it for decompiler view. The plugin adds comment for every class that has this debug attribute, with the source name. If enabled, it would also add the source file name as part of the class name.

Warning: Some obfuscator sets the source file to a specific string to ALL classes - Use with caution. You are advised to enable debug directives, and search for ".source", to see if this is indeed the case.

We could not run it on Twitter, since the source file name is always "TWTR"



class A {...

class B {...


/* if comment only is enabled */
// Source name:
class A {...

/* if class name renaming is enabled */
class B__SF_UserInfo { ...

Kotlin metadata

If the apk does not obfuscate the kotlin metadata information, We could get a lot of information about the class for free. The plugin also supports obfuscated name for the metadata annotation.



@Metadata(bv = {1, 0, 3}, d1 = {"\u0000\u0018\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u0002\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0000\u0018\u00002\u00020\u0001B\u0005¢\u0006\u0002\u0010\u0002J\u0012\u0010\u0003\u001A\u00020\u00042\b\u0010\u0005\u001A\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0006H\u0014\u00A8\u0006\u0007"}, d2 = {"Lcom/yoavst/testing/project/MainActivity;", "Landroidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity;", "()V", "onCreate", "", "savedInstanceState", "Landroid/os/Bundle;", "app_debug"}, k = 1, mv = {1, 1, 15})
public final class A extends AppCompatActivity {



Kotlin metadata:
Type: Class
Class Info:
    Name: com/yoavst/testing/project/MainActivity
    Supertypes: Class(name=androidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity)
    Module Name: app_debug
    Type Aliases: 
    Companion Object: 
    Nested Classes:  
    Enum Entries: 

    <init>()V, Arguments: 

    onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V, Arguments: savedInstanceState

@Metadata(bv = {1, 0, 3}, d1 = {"\u0000\u0018\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0002\b\u0002\n\u0002\u0010\u0002\n\u0000\n\u0002\u0018\u0002\n\u0000\u0018\u00002\u00020\u0001B\u0005¢\u0006\u0002\u0010\u0002J\u0012\u0010\u0003\u001A\u00020\u00042\b\u0010\u0005\u001A\u0004\u0018\u00010\u0006H\u0014\u00A8\u0006\u0007"}, d2 = {"Lcom/yoavst/testing/project/MainActivity;", "Landroidx/appcompat/app/AppCompatActivity;", "()V", "onCreate", "", "savedInstanceState", "Landroid/os/Bundle;", "app_debug"}, k = 1, mv = {1, 1, 15})
public final class A__KT_MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {


Kotlin intrinsics

Kotlin omits nullability checks in code, with the argument real as parameters. The plugin tries to match the class, restoring its methods. Then, the plugin uses the mass renaming plugin to rename what usage it can.


Running the Kotlin intrinsics plugin, on Twitter apk using i7-4770 took 50s, yielding:

 Classes: 1 Methods: 1486
 Fields: 4224 Identifiers: 16260


    public static final o5d a(View p0,zpd p1){
        return new nz0(p0,p1);


    public static final o5d a(View __A_$this$longClicks,zpd __A_handled){
        return new nz0(__A_$this$longClicks,__A_handled);


Internal api

The plugin relays on JEB internal api for some purposes. It was tested on JEB 3.24.

  1. UIUtils depends on OptionsForEnginesPluginDialog for showing options dialog from script. As such, it also depends on SWT.


You can use the script to run a plugin directly from a jar. For that to work, you need to delete the current version from coreplugins, and have your code to have no reference after running.


  1. Create an informative name from short methods body


Handy utils for reversing android apps in JEB







No releases published


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  • Kotlin 82.8%
  • Python 17.2%