The ESPProLib is a simple set of functions and strutures to help using the ESP8266 chip in promiscuous mode.
Changes the listening channel. Only one channel at a time can be used to receive frames.
int channel - should be a value between ESPPL_CHANNEL_MIN (1) and ESPPL_CHANNEL_MAX (14).
Allows some time to process the frames received. This function should be called if using a loop to scan through multiple channels.
The function returns true if there are still frames to be processed, false otherwise.
Initializes the library and sets the ESP8266 in promiscuous mode.
ESPPL_CB_T cb - callback function to handle the parsed frame information. The function should have a structure similar to this:
void cb(esppl_frame_info *info)
Starts the sniffing process.
Stops the sniffing process.