CraveBite is a food delivery app that offers convenient food delivery services throughout Ranchi. With CraveBite, users can order a wide variety of delicious dishes from nearby restaurants. This project is built using modern web technologies and provides several key features to enhance the food ordering experience.
- Allows users to add and remove items from their shopping cart.
- Provides a summary of the items in the cart, including quantities and prices.
- Enables users to review and modify their order before checkout.
- Offers a convenient filter option to display only vegetarian menu items for users who prefer vegetarian dishes.
- Provides a search functionality that allows users to find restaurants by name or cuisine.
- Allows users to filter restaurant menus based on various criteria such as cuisine type, price range, and more.
- Enables users to sort available restaurants based on:
- Relevance
- Delivery Time
- Rating
- Cost for Two
- React: Used for building the user interface.
- React Router DOM: Handles routing within the app.
- React Redux and Redux Toolkit: Manages state and data.
- Tailwind CSS: Used for styling the components and UI.
- SwiggyAPI: Fetches restaurant and menu data for the app.
- Vite: Used for bundling and building the React app.