Ahmed Hendawy AhmedMagdyHendawy
PhD Candidate | Msc in Computer Engineering | Mechatronics Engineer
PhD Candidate at LiteRL at TU Darmstadt.
My current research interests are Continual/ Lifelong, and Multi-Task Learning for Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Technical University of Darmstadt
- Darmstadt, Germany
- ahmedhendawy.de
- @AHendawy19
- Pro
Roberto Calandra
Researcher in Machine Learning and Robotics
LASR Lab at TU Dresden (@lasr-lab) Dresden, Germany
Mohamed Elzohairy
Interests includes cloud computing, devOps and machine learning
Dassault Systems Munich
Mohamed Sabry Moustafa
Teaching Assistant at the German University in Cairo | M.Sc. Student at Stuttgart University (INFOTech Master's Program)
Universität Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany
O. Gaskey
I am an Autonomous Systems Software Engineer. I love designing algorithms and see them work in the real world.
United States
Ahmed Nasr
Senior Machine Learning Engineer
Computer Engineering Master's Student
Senior ML Engineer @ Solutions by STC - Open for Consultations. Cairo, Egypt.
Abdelrhman ElMoghazy
Data Scientist, interested in machine learning, familiar with many programming languages.
Henkel Cairo, Egypt