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This repository was archived by the owner on Apr 7, 2023. It is now read-only.


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island_33_tile_32 (Terminal Spycakes)

island_15.xml (Creative Base)

arctic_island_playerbase.xml (Artic Base)

mega_island_15_2.xml (Mega island part 15_2 Fishing Docks)

mega_island_9_8.xml (Mega island part 9_8 North Harbor)


To install please make a backup of your files first!

Go to your installation folder of the game > rom > data> tiles

EX: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Stormworks\rom\data\tiles

Search for 15 or island_15

COPY island_15.xml and save it somewhere for safe keeping (Backup)

Now paste the download edited version into the folder and overwrite the old one.

Repeat these steps for ALL files (Recommended but not needed)

** Is still compatible with multiplayer / few bugs / all players need files to work correctly**

(They just can not see the other benches, but are able to use the new spawn zone.)